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Are we asking for to much?

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I feel as though I've personally wasted too much energy pondering "what if?" and "why not?" about our codex.

So I decided that I'm going to make the army I started out to before I got side tracked.  ZerkerWing, with Raptors, with a ChosenWing army with the less chaotic stuff.


And in the words of my childhood hero John Rambo when surrounded by the Russians in Rambo 3 and offered surrender, ":cuss em,"


My Red Corsair Onyx Strike Force are thieves, ordered by the Tyrant to acquire "special things" for him during Corsair Raids.


My Balverines (Better than 'Blood Wolves' and A LOT better than Space Wolves goddamn furries) will use their Rage as a weapon to test themselves against Imperial and Xenos steel.


They ain't ready for this.

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Honestly it does beg the question: If you hate the codex so much, why are you playing it...? There are plenty of other options for representing Chaos.

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