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Help me with defeating necrons

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I’m looking for some help fighting against a necron list
that always seems to pose a problem to me. Try as I might I never can seem to
get the upper hand on this guy.


My list is as follows


Black Legion

1x Belakor

1x Lvl 3 Sorcerer w/ Spell familiar and Last Memory

3x Ten man CSM squads w/ 2 meltaguns, power sword, Melta
bomb + rhino w/ dozer blades

2x Heldrakes w/ bale flamers

2x Forgefiends

1x Helbrute w/ Plasma cannon



His list is this 

1x Illuminor Seraz

1x Overlord w/ Warscythe, phylactery, mindshackle, Phase
shifter, sempiternal weave,

1x Ten man Deathmark Squad + crpytek w/ abyssal staff, veil
of darkness

1x Ten man Immortal Squad w/ Telsa + Cryptek w/ Cronometron.

1x Ten Man Warrior squad w/ ghost ark

1x Ten Man Warrior squad

1x Anihilation Barge

1x 20 man warrior squad

1x 20 man warrior squad + Necron Lord w/ Warscythe, res orb,

1x eight man flayed one squad


Thanks in advance 

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Well...what kind of help do you want? List or tactics?


Your army lacks long range anti tank to deal with the barge and ark.


The deathmarks will nuke one squad, then you have to focus fire and wipe them out so they don't do it again.


Be'lakor should be puppet mastering the annihilation barge every turn.


I don't see why you're having so much trouble, really. The opponent has little to deal with forge fiends and helldrakes beyond the anni barge.


He also appears to have more stuff than you. How many points? I make his around 2000

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Well...what kind of help do you want? List or tactics?


Your army lacks long range anti tank to deal with the barge and ark.


The deathmarks will nuke one squad, then you have to focus fire and wipe them out so they don't do it again.


Be'lakor should be puppet mastering the annihilation barge every turn.


I don't see why you're having so much trouble, really. The opponent has little to deal with forge fiends and helldrakes beyond the anni barge.


He also appears to have more stuff than you. How many points? I make his around 2000


Yes its 2000 normally. 

Whatever help you can give is greatly appreciated. 


Normally he glances the drakes out of the sky with gauss shots and glances the fiends to death with the ghost ark and occupants. 

I do tend to have trouble with the vehicles which always pose a real threat, but normally Belakor and the Fordgefiends can work with my melta squads to destroy any real problem.

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I'd probably drop one of the CSM squads and the brute for 3x obliterators, mark of nurgle, for some longe range lascannons.<br /><br />Plasma cannons can punish him if he bunches those big warrior squads, and their assault cannons will punish him if he doesnt.
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Remember, Mindshackle scarabs can only be used if the bearer is in B2B contact with a model at the beginning of the fight phase. If he has to pile in, or has a model pile into him before being in B2B, then the scarabs cannot be used.
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Remember, Mindshackle scarabs can only be used if the bearer is in B2B contact with a model at the beginning of the fight phase. If he has to pile in, or has a model pile into him before being in B2B, then the scarabs cannot be used.


Also, it is a RANDOM model in base to base, so you want to try and get as many people next to that as you cant.

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not a single AB. interesting . List is too slow to survive concentrated daka . fewer csm , more kill units . Belkors, mace dps , bikers and nurgle biker lords . oblits >other hvy support choices . dreads taken only , if hellcult formation is taken . BL is only for hard core BL fluff players at all other times use the CS codex with either csm ally or demon ally .

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I see lots of troops of that Necron player who are to run around in the open (at least 50 warriors), might be time to bust out those Defilers as there pieplates might get an easy hit on those big units. Maybe add a big unit of cultists with mark of Tzeentch to the mix and you can even protect your Defiler from any teleporting trickery, 35 of them are actually dirt cheap, and they get an invul save almost for free. 

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Im not sure i agree with marked cultists. It is almost always better to take them unmarked. more bodies beats crappy inv save every time.

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