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Question about WFB kits' arms


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Am working on my Inquisitor Henchmen and I need more 'arms' that I can kit-bash to have models hold Storm Shields, etc.


Now, I know Cadians and Catachans have individual regular human-sized arms (as in shoulder to hand) that I can use but does anyone know if there are any WFB kits that have the same for a more medieval look?


I'm looking for ones that I may not have to cut from the body. Thanks!

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Most WFB body parts tend to be a little smaller than 40K, but I have used arms from Chaos Marauders for bare arms ( better proportioned than Catachan), Empire Militia/Free Company for accolyte arms.


The only other usable multi-part arms for humans are the Empire core troops - State Troops, Archers and Handgunners/Crossbowmen. The Greatswords and Pistoliers have puffed sleeve 'Landsnecht' style arms which, I think, do not work.


And, of course, there is the Flagellants box - which you are going to get anyway for all those little Medieval bits!


Some of the various High/Wood/Dark Elf arms could also work depending on what you are using for bodies as they are quite slim. For that matter, a lot of torso/leg parts from both Human (Empire and Bretonnian) and the Elf multi-part kits, as well as Dark Eldar and Eldar  can be used for henchmen/women, with a bit of thought and conversion.

Most of the arms are pretty interchangeable.  For chain mailed or armoured look, I would actually use the Empire Knights (White Wolves conversion sprue is a good source) or Demigryph knights.


The puffy sleeves on the Greatswords would actually look quite cool in my view - I saw an Eldar corsairs conversion using puffy sleeves that looked quite fetching and most Inquisitors appear to be slighly eccentric so could quite easily fit the profile.

I'm using Chaos marauders (although the bodies are steroidal and swolen) flagellants and empire handgunners alongside catachan and cadian bits. Going quite well.

Also the beastmen arms work really well on marine sized models


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