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Chaos Inspiration Thread


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So rather than post a new thread every time I come across a sjmply amazing model online I figured I'd start a new inspiration thread. If you happen to see an amazing model, conversion, paint job, artwork, short story, whatever, feel free to post it, along with a link to the source. Try and keep individual posts not too long, though. Again, link to source.


Here's the model that prompted this thread:





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Most beautiful miniatures, I will have to link the Hellbrute/Daemon Prince to my friend who is a great fan of Iron Warriors. Those are some of the sharpest hazard stripes I have ever seen on a model. I wonder the recipe to make them as such. 

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Most beautiful miniatures, I will have to link the Hellbrute/Daemon Prince to my friend who is a great fan of Iron Warriors. Those are some of the sharpest hazard stripes I have ever seen on a model. I wonder the recipe to make them as such. 

Thanks! If you like it, there's lots more Dark Mechanicus/Iron Warriors in my blog - link in my signature. :-)


Great thread. :-) There's lots of inspiration on the web, and many great hobbyists, but if I have to pick one, It'd be Bohun - I don't paint anywhere near his level or even in the same style, but I certainly aim to - he is, IMO, the best there is.





OT: b&c is acting weird - I can't copy/paste in explorer, and I can't poste pics on my iPad?

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Here are some pictures of Word Bearers from various sources that have inspired my army.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Perhaps not as impressive as the rest of the above, seeing as it's not finished or painted yet, but this just showed up on my tumblr dash, and I had to pass it on to you guys:




I can't be the only one who misses actual guitar-looking sonic weapons, and is sorely disappointed by the rejection of all things fun or silly in chaos that led to the current, pretty-but-boring design for the official GW and FW versions.






But since I know not everyone will be as tickled by that particular conversion as I was, here's a forgefiend with an awesome, glowy-effect paintjob:




more pics here:  http://deathorgloryblog.blogspot.com/2013/07/dark-mechanicus-forgefiend_14.html

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...but other than the link above, I mostly have Alpha Legion stuff...and it's quite old all of it...


Used without permission:


BeatTheBeat on The Serpent's Lair






ingopech at The Serpent's Lair




Kaleb Daark at The Serpent's Lair (years before Unremembered Empire!)




STC_LogisEngine from DakkaDakka




migsula at Warseer & DakkaDakka (obviously!)




...and many many more...



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Alpha Legion are undoubtedly the sexiest Chaos Legion. The whole spec ops not-very-Chaotic-Chaos thing just works. Along with the blue/green color scheme, and the fact that they are the official trolls of the universe.

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Alpha Legion are undoubtedly the sexiest Chaos Legion. The whole spec ops not-very-Chaotic-Chaos thing just works. Along with the blue/green color scheme, and the fact that they are the official trolls of the universe.

Sexiest? Don't think the AL hold that title. Most paranoid maybe ;)

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