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Chaos Inspiration Thread


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  • 3 weeks later...

Fantastic Black Legion rhino, spoiled for large image:








I love the striking chaos star design, and the excellant weathering.


Source is page 6 of this painting log thread, includes several more pictures of the above model:


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That is very nice, really captures the artwork.

Here's another awesome angron - this one making up in size and presence for what it slightly lacks in fidelity to the source image:




source: a conversion thread with lots of in progress pics

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On the topic of corrupted Primarchs, here's a version of Fulgrim I hadn't seen before on CMON: http://www.coolminiornot.com/262539, really resembles the artwork too.

The same guy has done a lot of HH pieces by the looks, including some of Daemon Primarchs (there's even a Daemon-Curze in there somewhere too). Link to his gallery: http://www.coolminiornot.com/artist/reg?browseid=9634105

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  • 4 weeks later...

Today I came across an amazing Slaaneshi Terminators, just had to show you guys:




Check out the whole unit HERE



These are by a Polish painter namd Paweł Makuch.  You guys should really check out his work, he's painted a bunch of amazing chaos stuff, including a FW keeper of secrets, khornate knight titan, and nurgle blight drone, which are all quite impressive.


He has a website with his art stuff, including minis: LINK

Plus more of his stuff on Cool Mini Or Not: LINK

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I tend to avoid pinterest if I can, because it doesn't show the source of the image unless you have your own account, which I consider to be very poor form.


That complaint aside, there are a lot of pretty amazing looking minis in there collected from various places.  This amazing lord of skulls in particular stood out to me:








Thanks to the logo on the image, it didn't take long to track down the actual source, and Awaken Realms has done tons of models in a similarly gorgeous style, including an amazing khornish looking non-GW daemon, a great looking soul grinder, and while it's not a chaos conversion, you've got to appreciate the absolute ridiculousness of a knight titan riding a FW great saurian.


Check out their stuff HERE 

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I tend to avoid pinterest if I can, because it doesn't show the source of the image unless you have your own account, which I consider to be very poor form.

That complaint aside, there are a lot of pretty amazing looking minis in there collected from various places.

That's not true at all. If people know what they're doing the pin should link back to the blog post or forum. All my pins are like that. Only people who steal images and upload them break Pinterest's attribution system. You can see the source of the images, you can even search for all images posted from a specific source or domain. Pinterest is really good at sharing images of cool stuff you seen online, which funnily enough I used to share minis. Someone even tried to create PinsOfWar but they just don't have the coding and design skills of the Pinterest team. Plus on Pinterest you get to see models beloved by midwest Housewives. biggrin.png

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Some really nice noise marines:






and more


Gary Marsh Slannesh Marines.  They where in the White Dwarf a good few year ago in a battle report against Necrons, the Rhinos where cover in face that where part of the Rhino.  You can see some photos from a event Calander Uprising? over on the warhammer.org.uk web site of his army & I think he a memeber on here as well?.

By look of it he replace the green base with more up to date & overall update his Slannesh force.


They do look cool & it worth check out the blog, really like the Helbrute conversion he done for his army.

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Okay, it's not a chaos space marine, but I love this picture.


The only fanservice this fallen sister performs is savage murder for Khorne!

Oh, thats an idea for a Chaos Lord....

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  • 2 months later...


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