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Maglocked bolters. How do you do it?


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Now, this isn't a question about using magnets.


Often I've read about marines using maglocks for bolters when not using them. And with the amount of forces carrying all three main weapons (bolter, pistol & close combat), what happens to the holy bolter when a marine gets stuck in?


More importantly... how do you model it without it looking obstructive or stupid?




More importantly... how do you model it without it looking obstructive or stupid


A bolt pistol doesn't look too out of place stuck on the thigh, especially higher up towards the waist like it was on a holster. The boltgun is a little more problematical as it just seems too big to go on the thigh.


I will admit to having wrestled with this idea myself. The only "practical" spot I came up with was back of the waist, where the armored "butt-guard" is.


I'm sure others have better ideas.

Some of the Chaos Dark Vengeance models have bolters attached to the sides of the backpack, so perhaps that's something you could try?

Only thing with that is how to reach them. Fair few of those DV backpacks have tentacles and the like.

I've pondered this myself quite a bit. While I have a couple others that are unpainted and have no pictures I do have a couple pic sets that have a model with different ideas for where to maglock a bolter.





While not perfect these aren't part of my main force of marines so I've been trying to be creative. I think the real issue is scale, I feel the bolters scale is a tad larger than it should be in real life. I'm not sure on that but I get that feeling when I think of how they can mag lock it.

I like to imagine that Marines can just turn on and off electromagnets wherever they please via their connection to their armor. So in theory you could just glue bits on anywhere you want.


Was a little difficult to find something in decent quality but here are some examples from Space Marine.




If you were to translate that into a miniature it would require a lot of careful cutting and dryfitting, but it can be done.

The easist way is to have the model hold the bolter, use a holster for the pistol and glue the chainsword between the backpack and shoulder.


I have tried a few times to make one holding the pistol forward in the right hand while in the process of  putting the bolter away with their left.  But I never can make it look like what I want. It usually looks like he is waving a bolter over his head with a dislocated shoulder.

The easist way is to have the model hold the bolter, use a holster for the pistol and glue the chainsword between the backpack and shoulder.

I have tried a few times to make one holding the pistol forward in the right hand while in the process of putting the bolter away with their left. But I never can make it look like what I want. It usually looks like he is waving a bolter over his head with a dislocated shoulder.

I think to get that movement across you'd have to cut the chestplate and abdomen apart so you can rotate and position the torso at and upward angle properly. Marines tend to be a little stiff because of the missing flexibility in that region.

Then you only have to solve the problem of the missing space for the equipment. teehee.gif

Modeling equipment while it is in place is much easier, because you can just cut enough away from the marines back/butt-plate to make whatever you put there not look like it is sticking out half a metre.

For the one mag locked bolt pistol I've done I glued it on the side of the backpack, abutting the round bit on the backpack side to the one that's on the rear of the bolt pistol, it just hangs straight down. I figure the marine doesn't have really enough range to do much more than get his arm a small amount behind him, so it'd need to be somewhere he can get a grip and adjust from there. If I can find a picture (or just take one when I get home) I'll post it up.

In the books they are always maglocking their bolters to their thighs, but that looks weird on an actual mini.  I think under the pack for a bolter is a good spot.  the side of the pack seems ok for melee weapons (like the 2 pictures from the Space Marine video game above).


I use the holstered bolt pistol on most of my marines (except for assault marines, they have them drawn) even if they are a bit undersized.


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