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The Helldrake isnt as big as you might think, its just that it has a huge wings span, its body is pretty small.


My versions body is actually a bit bigger than the original helldrake, with each wing being a centimeter shorter than the original.


Yes it goes on flying stand, big hole on underside where that stand fits in. (underside is actually the backside of ironclad model, where engine pipes normally go)

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What do you mean by as what I think , I know the size of a helldrake very well and the wings make its print huge. It is just how long there are but how wide they are . their lenght and the fact that they are movable are the source of the helldrake wing trick in objective games.

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Heldrake wing trick?

Where fast attack are scoring the drake can score, also the wings count towards vector striking...


... holy cow. I thought scoring and vector striking were counted from the base. You don't happen to have a page number in the rulebook for that do you?

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For fliers you ignore the base for all purposes except the two examples posted in the rulebook: Assaults and disembarking.


As with other vehicles, for all purposes you measure from the hull, and disregard decorative elements such as antennas, barrels and the like...wings are not listed there at all. Vector strike just needs the model to move over the target, nothing about a base there either.

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ay + the flyer base is so long that normal hulls of flyers like SR are too far away to score or deny . Movable wings on a helldrake allow you [due to their lenght] to always be in range. it is a version of the 4th ed defiler spread .

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I think I was discounting the wings because that's what you do with FMC's. Well, you learn something new every day.


On to the actual purpose of the thread, 4 autocannons messes a lot of stuff up, and is reasonably effective against flyers. I like outflanking them with Huron so that they don't get chewed up by the flyer they're supposed to kill.



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I think I was discounting the wings because that's what you do with FMC's. Well, you learn something new every day.


On to the actual purpose of the thread, 4 autocannons messes a lot of stuff up, and is reasonably effective against flyers. I like outflanking them with Huron so that they don't get chewed up by the flyer they're supposed to kill.




So instead of getting chewed up, they're only snapfiring at their preferred target?  Not exactly a great trade off, I think.

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It's my belief that heavy weapons are better off firing at their full effect from the very beginning of the game, rather than trying to be sneaky with them and letting potentially most of the game go by without their useful and usually expensive firepower. It's also why I don't normally Deepstrike Obliterators.

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yes reserving or deep striking doesn't realy work for us. Unless you know your fighting somethig like LoW class thing and have 6-9oblits and no other ways to kill it fast enough. Of course they do not even compare to other marines in drop pods.

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I think I was discounting the wings because that's what you do with FMC's. Well, you learn something new every day.


On to the actual purpose of the thread, 4 autocannons messes a lot of stuff up, and is reasonably effective against flyers. I like outflanking them with Huron so that they don't get chewed up by the flyer they're supposed to kill.




So instead of getting chewed up, they're only snapfiring at their preferred target?  Not exactly a great trade off, I think.


They'd only be snap firing at their preferred target anyway, what with not having Skyfire, so I figured the whole 'Snap Shots because you moved' thing became pretty irrelevant at that point. Sure, occasionally the opponent doesn't have a flyer and I'm left snap firing into something ground based, but it doesn't happen often.



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