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Chaos cursing

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So working on some fluff for my army and I am struggling to come up with some curse words they would use. From what I remember in the books I've read, think the only curse phrase I remember is "khorne's teeth" or something like that. So within the forum rules does anyone remember any other ones or has anyone made up their own?
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Frack is good.  Also Frell, dren for crap.  Of of the childish reasons I was drawn to Red Corsairs was that their 'attack cry' was to fill the vox with a string of vulgarity and rage.


*sigh* Sometimes I miss the old days before Party chat Xbox Live.  For five minutes.

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The standard human word is feth.  If you want to be creative and make up your own, please do.  Emp-er-fethin'-or.  Nurgle's nuts!  'Neesh's Arse.


The most often said curse around here is Juliete Foxtrot Charlie.  Convert that to 40K and you get ... I dunno, ... Foxtrot Echo.  Mike Foxtrot Tango.

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The standard human word is feth.


Sorry, but this is incorrect. That's a word used by the characters in Dan Abnett's Gaunt's Ghosts series. In one of the books we are told it actually refers to a Tanith tree spirit, (rather than what we had all assumed), and as such is specific to them, rather than a generic term.

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Trevak I was looking more for something specific to 40k, chaos in particular but thanks.


Fibonacci, inquisitor is right feth is undoubtedly a tanith curse word. The verghasts actually use gak instead and as was already mentioned it refers to a tree spirit back on tanith.

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Deus, damn used to mean "go to hell". Now its just a fancy way of saying "crap". It's not even considered a true swear word by most places. Hence why the forum filter overlooks as shown.


I think one thing I used that just came to me was "By the balls of the gods!"


Just go with someone that sounds off the wall and could be interpreted as swearing.

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A curse-phrase (though a very mild one) that I use in everyday life would be, if translated, 'Dusk of the Gods'. I'm from the north of Sweden, and it's a reference to Ragnarok, (or Armageddon for you biblical types). When all hell breaks lose and even the Gods die. When stuff doesn't go my way I can mumble it under my breath sort of.

Feels like something that a chaos-follower could say, though to me it feels a bit silly since I don't really consider it offensive.


Old norse curses fit in with the polytheistic and capricious nature of the chaos gods, so there might be more such references that could work, but I can't think of any other right now. I once said to my american colleague, "By Odins beard, what happened to your hair?!" after he had cut his hair really short. :)


I think that stuff like 'Khornes Teeth!' or 'Nurgles nipples!' could be pretty common, much like Imperials say "Throne!" as a curse or just exclamation. Saying, "By Tzeentch, this is complex!" when trying to assemble a machine, or "By Slaanesh I look good today!" might be common, as I see it at least.

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Many modern curse words stem from major religions and blaspheming within said religions. I would imagine that the same would apply... Be it khornate marines using tzeentch's name in vain or word bearers spitting out terms like ' For Lorgar's sake!' When something goes awry.
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Unfortunately, my sailor background doesn't transition to my writing, so I abuse profanity more than we abuse Heldrakes and Obliterators.


That does tend to happen a lot, I've noticed, with service members (of which I am one, before you assume I'm being judgmental).  The one time my wife witnessed me at work, providing direction to my soldiers, she commented that I "used the F-word not as a word, but as punctuation."  Certainly seemed to help get points across, though...

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Unfortunately, my sailor background doesn't transition to my writing, so I abuse profanity more than we abuse Heldrakes and Obliterators.


That does tend to happen a lot, I've noticed, with service members (of which I am one, before you assume I'm being judgmental).  The one time my wife witnessed me at work, providing direction to my soldiers, she commented that I "used the F-word not as a word, but as punctuation."  Certainly seemed to help get points across, though...


It's something that gets you in trouble working at a Long-term care facility.

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You could always come up with a suitably pg-13 way by using a daemonic language to make up words that you then use in a sweary context.


Unaligned characters can still use aligned curses like an atheist using 'oh my god' or 'Jesus Christ' as curses, just flavour dependant on upbringing, heck recent renegades might still use Throne as a curse, in the way it's used in some of the black library books.

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Unfortunately, my sailor background doesn't transition to my writing, so I abuse profanity more than we abuse Heldrakes and Obliterators.


That does tend to happen a lot, I've noticed, with service members (of which I am one, before you assume I'm being judgmental).  The one time my wife witnessed me at work, providing direction to my soldiers, she commented that I "used the F-word not as a word, but as punctuation."  Certainly seemed to help get points across, though...

HA you should come to Australia, the F-word is polite speech round these parts

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There was that one game where the Word Bearer marines would actually yell "Kor Phaeron" (yes I know who he is) more as a curse when they got shot.


I assume you could similarly use some random Daemon's name + random appendage.

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"Filthy, inbred, loyalist scum sighted to the west sir."

"How delightful, Slaanesh has her way with us again... "


If you wanna really be cheeky just call the enemy Lunts.  Loyalist undesirable needing termination. I just made that now.


Or the boring-ish stuff like bastards, scum, "Gods damn them/it", Tits of slaanesh, thinbloods, mongrels. 


Since you play nightlords the craven pathetic bullies. So maybe brave, honourable and honest is an insult. Or some variation of snitch or grass. I dunno may employ your sick mind to find the answer.


If all else fails you have Lunts. 

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'Dogs of the Corpse!'


'Warp take them.'


'...for Abaddon's sake'


Just some idea's. I imagine CSM might use 'Warp!' as its perfectly four-lettered or reference the eye in its almost equilivalence to the underworld.

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