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sgt Chronus a quick question


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hi there 

just been reading over my codex and i saw chronus's entry and thought he would be bad in a land raider...

in high points games of course but he really could make one quite a bit stronger... 

so basically my question is can i do it or arent i allowed? if not please point out why... 

thanks tomsev

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Chronus can be assigned to any tank model in an Ultramarines Detachment.  Yes, that includes Land Raider Variants.


Oh, and seeing as this is a rules question, I'll be moving this to the OR.

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I wish Pask could do that... imagine his ass-whooping Anti tank skills in something like a Shadowsword or a Fellblade??? Even better, go and put both of them in a Baneblade, paint it in Iron hands colours and say that pask is the guard commander in the tank to direct HIS tanks - and Chronus is there as a swap exchange program between the two chapters to increase "co-operational capabilities in a potential conflict"


:D hahahahah - Ultimate trolling, your regards:

Lord Firebrethren

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