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Measure to where?


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So recently in a game I had someone argue that for holding/contesting an objective you measure from the model and I have always measured from the base.  With the addition of a lot of new models that have these new huge oval bases I see this is going to be coming up more often.  Does anyone know which way to measure from or know where it states it?

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In a nutshell: all non-vehicles measure from the base, vehicles measure from the hull.

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We had a really good discussion about this sort of thing a while back:


Which began in here:  http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/277586-first-turn-assault/


And continued here:  http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/277651-can-you-pivot-an-oval-base/


(for reference, please don't necro, thanks.)

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Isn't there a tidbit about vehicles with a base that aside from firing (which is measured from the weapon) you use the base? The subject came up yesterday regarding an Imperial Knight, and I seem to recall that was what we discovered (haven't got the book here, so I can't check, sadly). It's under the Walkers section.

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Normal vehicles use the normal rules.  Ezra, you may be thinking about Flyers. Those rules (on page 80) say distances are measured to and from the hull (not the base) except for the weapons and fire points which are measured as normal. 

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Normal vehicles use the normal rules.  Ezra, you may be thinking about Flyers. Those rules (on page 80) say distances are measured to and from the hull (not the base) except for the weapons and fire points which are measured as normal. 

No, I'm willing to bet money that there's one for walkers too. See Seahawk's post.

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Yes, but Flyers are based yet do NOT use the base for measurement with the exception for the heldrake's bail flamer.


Walker rules say use the base.

The general vehicle rules say use the hull.


So to recap from general to specific:

Vehicles in general measure to and from the HULL; ignore any base it may have.  pg 71

Walkers measure to and from the BASE.  pg 84

Flyers will have a base but measure to and from the HULL.  pg 80

All shots are measured from the wepon tip or the firepoint. pg 71, 80, 84

Heldrake's bail flamer measures from the BASE. C:CSM FAQ

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Uh, what difference does it make when moving?  The distance is exactly the same whether you measure from the base or the hull.

It only really matters when you add other things.  Can it fit through a gap, is it within 1" of an enemy, is in difficult terrain, is it within 3" of an objective.  That sort of stuff.

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