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Formations and FOC


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This has yet to come up but I was thinking, with some one using a "formation" the units don't count as their normal slots in the FOC, such as Fast, Heavy, Troop.  So with that being the case in missions like the scouring where fast are scoring and lets say a storm talon from a formation was in play, but since it was not taken as a Fast it would not be scoring then.  I was thinking that it would work just like for example if your force had Dante in it then it would make sanguinary guard troop and not elites it would work the same with the formations.   Or am I way off on this and they still count as per their normal slot threw some shenanigans that I am not aware of? 

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This has yet to come up but I was thinking, with some one using a "formation" the units don't count as their normal slots in the FOC, such as Fast, Heavy, Troop. 


You're proceeding from a false assumption. The units in a dataslate count as whatever FOC slot they appear in in the relevant codex. So if a unit is Fast Attack in a codex it is also Fast Attack in a dataslate and therefore scoring in The Scouring. It just doesn't use up a FOC slot as the dataslate units sit outside the primary detachment. This is stated on the dataslate itself and was confirmed on the digital editions FB page (RIP).



Each Formation will tell you what units you need to take and what, if any, options or restrictions apply to the units that make up that Formation. The army list entries for each unit in the Formation (the units’ profiles, points values, unit types, unit composition, special rules, battlefield role etc.) can either be found in the codex corresponding to the Faction on the datasheet, or elsewhere in the dataslate itself.
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