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Stories of a Black Shield - The begining


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Hey folks.

I'm part of a deathwatch campaign, playing a now disgraced member of Captain Machiavis Honour Guard. I'm basing everything of the characters background on my own army (which is the entirety of Third company plus extras).

We've had our first session, but I'm not onto doing any kind of writeup for that yet as I've been writing a series of short bits (out of sequence intentionally) that sort of lead up to who he is by the time we start.

we actually have a roleplaying forum where I've been posting these as I've been adding them, but thought perhaps some of you might enjoy some (probably badly written) fiction. smile.png

For those that are interested, he's a Blood Angel turned black shield Assault Marine, I rolled probably the highest for stats in the group, so he's pretty beastly in that regard:

(53, 48, 41, 41,53, 43, 44, 44, 40) But I also voluntarily started with a random number of insanity points (27 as it turned out). He also got a couple of Negative Deeds straight off the bat (normally you can only have one deed of any kind, he has two deeds of disdain, one for losing a chapter relic, one for being the sole survivor of a mission).

For reference, Deodaste was the final member of the kill team to arrive. The next little snippet will be as he arrives.

++++Medical Report++++
Authorisation: Chief Apothacary Septimus
Subject: Serjanus, Black Shield.
****Transcript begins****
Height: Subject stands at a relatively tall 6'8"
Build: Subject shows about average muscle growth for an astartes
Complexion: Subject has pale skin, melanin levels appear relatively low
Iris Pigment: Blue, whites appear somewhat bloodshot
Hair: Subject has Raven-black hair, preference for tying it back
Dental: The subject appears to have pronounced canines.
Facial shape: Unlike many of the Adeptas Astartes, the subject appears to have relatively fine features, lacking the normal dose of gigantism that many initiates gain upon implantation of the gene seed.
Age: Undisclosed, hints at possible relevance perhaps? judging on features he appears relatively young, perhaps in his first century, DNA sample that was taken implies slight cell degradation that would not be expected until the subject was much older.
Distinctive marks:
The Subject has a scarred area on his left shoulder, laser burns have fully removed a tattoo from the region - likely a chapter icon, the laser burns have a slightly triangular shape.
Numerous scars cover large areas of the subjects chest and arms, although unsurprising in any warrior, some of these appear to have been inflicted by Astartes standard issue weapons.
Reflex test:
When reflex tests were carried out, the subject displayed unusually quick movements, capable of dodging and avoiding obstacles at a later moment than the average or even peak performance subjects are capable of. Only a small number of our intake have performed better, and they all came from the Raven Guard, Blood Angels or their successors.
Mental Status
Stress Test: The subject seemed capable of coping with stress at a slightly above average level, although when it became too much he seemed to lash out - see Anger tests.
Problem Solving: The subject was able to solve the problems provided and deal with tactical analysis in a marginally above average time, although not so much to be of worth noting.
Anger Tests: Due to the odd behaviour observed under extreme stress the team agreed it was prudent to run further tests focused on this apparent anger. It would appear that something has gone slightly wrong with the subjects ability to cope with anger, he appears to be in a near constant state of anger, and it can be assumed he is actively fighting against that on a daily basis.
People Skills: The subject is for the most part reluctant to spend more time than is required around others, he seems particularly wary around our Master of the Forge - Brother Sepharan, and others that share his chapter, although this does not seem to extend as far as the few members of the Flesh Tearers we have on board currently. He seems to have an aura about him that instils mistrust amongst the other Astartes, although the human serfs and members of the inquisition seem to lack that instinctive mistrust.
It is advised that Serjanus be kept out of leadership positions, he has a short fuse and seems prone to taking risks and being a loner, he would be as likely to get a squad killed - him along with them, than garner any kind of success.
Despite being an excellent physical specimen of the Adeptas Astartes, he appears to be damaged on some base level, and is certainly one to be watched. It may be nothing, but I believe his condition worsens slowly, there were periods during questioning where his eyes seemed almost glazed over, as if he'd activated his sus-an membrane.
it is recommended he be assigned to a team as soon as possible, perhaps working with others will help remind him of who he is, but he should be watched carefully and anyone put in charge may need to be made aware of his condition if they cannot see it for themselves.
****Transcript Ends****

**** Three Terran Years Earlier ****
Squad Nico, First Tactical Squad of the Blood Angels Third Company, newly under the command of Captain Machiavi make haste down the corridor of the complex. This place had once been an imperial research facility but had been captured about the same time contact had been lost with Chaplain Arman and his honour guard.
Already the signs of warp taint had begun to become evident about the place, a palpable sense of foreboding shrouded the place, and the coppery smell of blood was strong in the air. They had found mutilated corpses of humans - perhaps the research team that was based here, their small group of mercenary guards or maybe Cultists to the four? It was hard to tell - so little remained of them, almost as if an animal had torn them apart.
++Do you see anything brother Morello?++ Came the vox call of Sergeant Nico, his tone terse, barely concealed apprehension was clear. Some bodies of their fallen brethren had been found, left to rot under the alien sun, although the body of the Chaplain himself and all but one of the honour guard were missing.
++I'm detecting bio signs on the level below sergeant, at least two++
++Very good, find us a way down brother++
They continued through the upper level of the complex, signs of some fighting, could be seen, a group of bodies more obviously belonging to the guard detail were found - heads mostly missing, blood and brain matter spattered along the wall and ground, clearly they'd been lined up and then executed, the use of bolter rounds for the task ensured that very little of the area hit remained as identifiable.
At the far end of the room a flashing orange light indicated the elevator shaft.
++Get the door open brother Donato, lets see what we can find down there, our orders were clear, purge the heretics and bring back our fallen brothers.++ Nico coolly ordered his squad into covering positions as Donato - likely on the path to being sent to Mars, his skills with technology were so good - worked at the door panel, only a few moments later a whirring hiss came from the door and it opened slowly.
The journey down was cramped, even with only half of squad Nico making it, Nico had taken Morello, Donato, Piero - the squad special weapons operator and brother Rico, the squads newest member, only with them for a year or so. The rest he left to ensure their exit route remained open and to check for any possible survivors above.
When the elevator reached the bottom, it did so with a loud thud, somewhere ahead shouts could be heard, even without seeing the speaker it was clear they were genhanced... but what? they sounded... afraid, what could possibly cause an Astartes to know fear?
The squad advance for a time, coming across slain legionnaires in the colours of the black legion, and an apothacary in the armour of the Emperors children.
Nico shakes his head briefly and motions forward as the crash of a weapon hitting ceramite echoes through the corridor ahead of them. When ordered they burst into motion, Nico leading the charge, Rico close behind, but when they come around the corner they skid to a halt at what they see.
++By the Blood!++ Rico exlaims and runs forward before Nico can pull him back.
Before them lies the corpse of a Chaos Legionnaire in the colours of the black legion, his armour more ornate than the few they'd come across when entering the level, A shattered Glaive Encarmine embedded in his side, it's hilt discarded, his helm lying a meter or two away, battered and broken. But that wasn't the site that had shocked them, because stood over them, stripped of his armour, wearing little more than a loin cloth, and covered in blood was a face at once familiar and completely unknown to them.
The near-naked astartes looks up slowly at the advancing Rico, blood running from him mouth and chin, Rico swings wide and the veteran space marine dodges with preternatural speed, coming inside the younger astares guard and slamming him with such force that he's knocked clean off his feet, despite being unarmoured. The rest of the squad look hesitantly at Nico for orders, the veteran sergeant seems stunned for a fraction of a second longer and jumps forward shouting
++Lorenzo! Stand down brother! The Rage has you!++

****One Terran Month before Deodastes arrival****
He'd been on the watch station for at least a couple of weeks now, he'd endured physical examination after Chaplain Titus had persuaded him to let the Angel of Absolution proceed. He'd passed whatever tests it was the Medicia had wanted to perform and was confident that his past would remain his own... if it didn't... he'd... what? No... "calm yourself 'Serjanus'" he says quietly to himself. Since his initial arrival the only time he'd been allowed out of his room was to be tested physically by the Apothacary, be tested mentally by the Chaplain or to hand over his wargear to Vinto... that had been a strange moment, was there some brief recognition at the craftsmanship of the bolt pistol and chainsword? No, likely not...
Two weeks... in one room... the anger he felt within was getting harder to control, being cooped up wasn't helping. He needed to spar, to practice, to.. something...
No, what he needed to do was to right his wrongs, wipe clean this dishonour he'd done himself, he needed to master himself, his anger and his primogenitors curse... He pauses in his pacing, was that footsteps outside?
The door opens a moment later and a black armoured figure wearing a wolf pelt steps in, his expression stern, dislike clear on his face. "You're granted the right to move around the station, but know this Black Shield. You are being watched, I do not like you" The old wolf displays his fangs in what could only be described as a mean smile. "You came in with a chainsword, lets see if you know how to use it" With that he turns and walks away.
Lorenzo... now Serjanus clenches his teeth and fists involuntarily at the hostility but follows.
It will be good to hold a weapon and draw some blood again...

**** Three Terran Years and Two Terran Months Earlier ****
"Brother Dolero, calm yourself, this planet hasn't had any activity, Xenos or otherwise reported on or near it in over ten years, not since we returned to Armageddon to finish what we started, truth be told I've no idea why Warden Arman has brought so many of us along... do you know why we're here?"Lorenzo spoke in a light tone, clearly trying to appease his uneasy battle brother, he wore his typical smile and displayed the usual good humours that had seen him rise through the ranks, but today despite his placating words, Machiavis Honour Guard - assigned to Chaplain Arman as a courtesy rather than through any real need - were on edge.
++No Brother, I do not, it is unusual for Machiavi to assign his own honour guard away from him, whatever business we have here, it must be important to the chapter++ Dolero spoke in a gruff tone, made gruffer still over the vox.
Something was wrong, they'd landed on Novindus III two days earlier, they had been unable to make contact with the facility Arman had referred to as 'Zeta-Alpha-Thirteen' but Arman had not appeared surprised at this. He'd ordered Scout squad Kaeden ahead and kept the remainder of his token force - Third Companies 5th Tactical Squad lead by Sergeant Angelo, and the Honour Guard which consisted of Sanguinary Novitiate Romero, brothers Lorenzo, Dolero, Segio and Blood Champion Luigi - with him. They'd come in on Angels Flight, one of the companies Thunderhawk gunships, but had been forced to land approximately 60 miles west due to increasingly difficult weather conditions.
++Lorenzo, Dolero, silence, your tone is inappropriate in the situation, we have not heard from Kaeden or his recon team in... 4 hours now++ Came the stern voice of Arman, he was a hard one, known for seeking out the flaws in those of third company, and punishing them for it, but he was also greatly decorated in battle, having slain Xenos and Heretics alike between his Crozius and Power fist.
"My Apologies Warden, I merely sought to maintain a positive outlook and to ensure negativity did not set in with the squad. Kaeden is a skilled tracker and adept at stealth, we've served together for over a century and he's never let third company down."
A murmur of agreement comes over the vox from the rest of the squad, Kaeden was popular and well known for his impressive skills at stealth and marksmanship, it was afterall why he'd been reassigned from one of Tychos Sternguard squads and to oversee the training of the newer initiates, that being said, he was still with a squad of nine relatively inexperienced scouts, if trouble had caught up to them somewhere ahead, would his prodigious skills be enough?
++Sergeant Angelo, seek higher ground for your tactical squad and see if you can regain contact with Kaeden, failing that see if there is any sign of what has happened to them.++ Armans voice came over the vox again, apparently choosing to ignore Lorenzos words. As a member of the captains honour guard, albeit the newest member, Lorenzo carried enough respect and weight with the others that it was better to accept the sometimes flippant nature the honour guard marine could display.
Angelos unit began moving up the rough incline to a better vantage point, the honour guard unit continued forward, Arman at their centre, Lorenzo shakes his head slightly and replaces his helm upon his head, unlike the rest of the squad he didn't wear the standard mk of helm but instead wore an artificer wrought deathmask in the visage of one of the champions of the heresy. Luigi moves ahead of the group, combat shield before him, his Glaive Encarmine sheathed at his hip for now.
As Luigi takes his position he suddenly lurches back, a hole blown through his pauldron and shoulder.
The next shot hits Novitiate Romero in the chest and he sags to the ground.
Time seems to slow down suddenly, Dolero shouts over the vox ++Sniper! 30 degrees north, shadowed outcrop!++ He doesn't say anything else as the next round takes him in the neck and he's flipped clean over.
++Angelo! Provide us with covering fire!++ Amran orders in a calm voice, at odds with the situation.
-No Reply-
-Thunk- -Thunk- -Thunk- -Thunk-
Multiple bolter rounds explode in the ravine they'd been travelling through, shapes on both sides rise up, at least twenty on each side, Black Armoured with Golden Accents, wearing archaic and warped power armour.
The Black Legion had arrived.
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****Approx 90 minutes before Deodastes arrival****


Serjanus sits on the floor of his small cell upon watch station Erioch, he sits cross-legged, eyes closed, a hand on each knee, a cord of white rope ending in a glass-steal vial of viscous red fluid is wrapped around one hand, other than that he wears black fatigues.


He looks almost peaceful on initial inspection, but closer inspection reveals that every muscle in his body appears taut, his jaw tightly clenched. His hands tighten into fists and his head cocks to one side as if seeing something that isn't there...



****Approx 75 minutes before Deodastes arrival****


... Any semblance of peace has left the room, he no longer sits on the floor but instead slams his fists repeatedly into a suit of power armour, -his- suit of armour, or at least the suit he had worn for the past two years, black with baroque silver detailing on the legs and a silver Aquila on the chest, other than that sign of allegiance to the imperium, no indication of his once glorious past or heritage remained to be seen.


Each solid -Thunk- of his meaty fists rang in the room, the only other sound an angry, almost animal growl and ragged breathing.


"Failed..." -Thunk- "Unworthy..." -Thunk-


****Approx 45 minutes before Deodastes arrival****


A clear, commanding voice comes over the rooms vox caster.

++This is Watch Captain Mac Lir, your presence is required on the embarkation deck presently black shield++


He goes into a series of fast strikes, into the old blackened breastplate the last of which fractures one of the wings of the silver Aquila, with that final blow he seems to sag slightly. His head lowers and he lets out a long sigh before turning and pressing a series of buttons on the cold steel wall.


++This is Serjanus, I require a serf to help don my armour++


****Approx 20 mins before Deodastes arrival****


He walks behind a group of other space marines he hasn't met before, one in the green of the Salamanders Chapter, one in the ice-grey of the space wolves, a huge wolf pelt over one shoulder, one in black and silver heraldry of the Iron hands and one in the brilliant yellow of the imperial fists, this last one wasn't so tall but conveyed an aura of authority that was impressive to say the least. Like him they all wore their helmets, features currently hidden. Leading them all was the Watch Captain, tartan throw over one shoulder and a huge Claymore on his back - the heraldic weapon of the Storm wardens.


But none of them drew his attention as the watchful figure with the skull shaped helm, it's cold unblinking eyes felt as if they were boring into his back. Chaplain Titus, much like Serjanus wore no indication of his chapter of origin, Chaplain Titus, like serjanus, was a black shield.


He was under no illusions though, he wasn't trusted by anyone, he was not welcomed by anyone. Nor did he particularly care, he was a castaway now, for as long as his honour and his mind remained stained.


He would right that if it was in his power...

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