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Word Bearers Warband Fluff


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​A damning silence choked the stale air of the cathedral. Pollotorus cast a stern gaze over word bearers knelt down in prayer before him, a small host of malevolent astartes whose dark armour seemed to quiver sinisterly in the dwindling candle light, which gently excited the unfathomable text that desecrated each suit of visceral red power armour.


"...From those that would not heed we offer praise to those who do, that they might turn their gaze our way and gift us with the boon of pain, to turn the galaxy red with the blood, and feed the hunger of the gods."


Before the words had finished echoing across the forsaken basilica, Dark Apostle Kor Vohzro lowered the copy of the Three Hundred and Forty-First Book of Epistles of Lorgar from which he had been reading, gently setting it upon the ground as he too kneeled before his host and bowed his head in prayer. Pollotorus stood erect beside his master, unflinching. He had waited too long for this. Having served as Kor Vohzro's unappreciated first acolyte for countless excruciating decades, Pollotorus' thankless servitude was to soon come to a chilling yet calculated end. Eyes still fixed gravely on the fanatics before him, the first acolyte rose his power axe from his side. As Vohzro knelt vulnerably on the cold stone floor, the nape of his neck peered out into the open space above. One quick cleave was all it took, sending the Apostle's bare head throttling down towards cold mocking tile that rested below.


The host squirmed restlessly, he heads of many word bearers jolting upwards rapidly in response to the sound of the execution. Pollotorus stared deeply into the ranks of his new followers. Raising his foot in a deliberate, defiant motion, he used it to push the still kneeling body of his superior off of the altar from which he had been preaching, trying desperately to conceal the overwhelming tide of dark satisfaction that attempted to seize his gaunt face. 


"Welcome my leadership, brethren. Stand with me, and together we shall beseech the dark pantheon."


There was hesitation amongst the ranks, at first. Slowly however, an aspiring champion fairly close to the alter rose to his feet, turning to face Pollotorus as he stood proudly over his predecessors corpse. "Let the galaxy burn!" screamed the champion, thrusting a cackling power sword into the air in a show of support. The rest of the champions coterie stirred quickly, stumbling to their feet at the call of their leader. Others slowly rose, cautiously hauling themselves from the ground, very much aware of the disapproving faces of nearby marines. Pollotorus' heart sunk as the realisation overwhelmed him. In a host of at least 200 of Lorgar's sons, barely six coteries worth of marines stood in support of his request.




Pollotorus' supporters sustained heavy losses in the ensuing conflict, barely escaping with 13 marines at his side, four of which were esteemed aspiring champions who had previously headed squads of their own. Having retreated the eye of terror in a ship stolen from the host, Pollotorus and his followers headed to a nearby daemon world to ensnare cultists and fanatics who would fight in his stead.


Now Pollotorus scours the galaxy seeking to appease the dark pantheon with many terrible deeds, aiming to one day earn enough fervor from the gods to return to Sicarus and become recognized as a Dark Apostle by the Dark Council of the Word Bearers. Of the 13 advocates with which he escaped the host infighting on Sicarus, Pollotorus assembled three of the champions into his own personal retinue, leaving the remaining champion at the head of a new coterie, formed of the remainder of Pollotorus' surviving supporters.








Hi all, if you took the time to read all of that then I thank you immensely. I've recently become enthralled by the lore of chaos and cannot wait to get started on a Word Bearers army. I'm looking to collect a 1000pt force with a biker lord, squad of 3 bikers, squad of csm, about 40 cultists and maybe a helldrake. I was just wandering what you all might think of my future warband's initial fluff. I hope you like, please feel free to leave a comment.

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Praise be unto thee, O' worthy son of chaos, a fine work indeed worthy of the halls of our great forefathers! As far as the list is concerned however, i strongly recommend a held rake, I have one and it is capable of insane destruction! Also I would recommend a dark apostle for a hoard of 40 cultists, I have one myself and 40 cultists to match. Great fluff, very good skill in your writing.

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