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New third party CSM miniatures

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Those look nice.  But $50 for 5 with just not-bolters... maybe for conversions or champions/bits.  For that price might as well buy Forgeworld stuff.  If it was 10 for $50 that'd be something to look at seriously but 5 relegates it to the realm of conversions or alternate heads.

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I really like the aesthetics though.  That's how I expect Chaos Marines to look; the armor is twisted and corrupted but not with a ton of stupid skulls and spikes, it looks more like realistic warping.

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That doesn't look like warping to me at all.  It looks like deliberate craftsmanship and decoration, rather than something that progressed organically.


I like the look, but prefer GW's more recent chaos stuff, in in particular favor the DV chosen over these when it comes to posing and proportion.  They'r better than the current CSM kit in that regard, and way better in terms of detailing and design, but also considerably pricier.  Not bad, but not a slam dunk.  At least, not for me.

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