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The Crimson Slaughter: A Retro Benchmark?


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Well seeing as they've re-boxed the standard CSM box recently, I doubt that'll get replaced any time soon, so those who want predominantly spiky marines should still have that option.

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Doesn't this satisfy both the need for more unique Chaos models and Chaos space marines remaining human functionality though? Certainly not mutated beyond reason, yet sufficiently distinct from loyalist marines. 


Meh, I'm not a fan of the new line-up thus far.  Minus the Raptors, and occasionally the Heldrake.

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Doesn't this satisfy both the need for more unique Chaos models and Chaos space marines remaining human functionality though? Certainly not mutated beyond reason, yet sufficiently distinct from loyalist marines. 


Yep.  The Aspiring Champion is a good example of the right style.  The DV Chosen and (IMO) the Raptors too.  Speaking of there's yet another rumor of new plastic Chosen/Havocs coming out in May, but we all know how those go.

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I think that they should keep the current core troops marines as they are, so long as they continue to produce marine parts to be interchangable then they can add the more mutated chosen/havok box and we'll be in the perfect spot, where we will be able to combine the boxes as we see fit. Updated cult kits would then be the icing on the cake in terms of giving us all the parts we would need to create unique and characterful armies for whatever kind of theme we want, scatter in a sprue of chaotic bionics/augmetics and we're set,
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Yeah thats the thing, just like the space wolf box, a chosen/havok set could provide a way (expensive) to build out a more corrupted style, while people could mix with the normal box to get their desired level of corruption.

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I like most of the aspiring champion clam pack apart from the helmet which is everything that is wrong with CSM.  Horns are so impractical, CSM must spend all their time on their knees to get through doors plus they give a opponent something to grab hold of.

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I like most of the aspiring champion clam pack apart from the helmet which is everything that is wrong with CSM.  Horns are so impractical, CSM must spend all their time on their knees to get through doors plus they give a opponent something to grab hold of.

In armor a Space Marine is between 7 and 8 feet tall and weighs a literal ton. I don't think they're worried about doors that much.


Also if the Space Marine game taught me anything the Imperium builds everything with massive doors.

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Well, I came to that conclusion as they are usually described as "over two meters tall" when in armor. Two meters is roughly 8-9 feet. "Over two meters", in my mind, says they are noticeably taller than two meters. I translate that as 10-12 feet, which would be in the 2.5-3 meter scale.
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Actually, in armor they average closer to ten to twelve feet. Without armor its around 9-ish feet.


Also the minor point that this would mean that the soles of their boots are around six or more inches thick, and the top of their helmet is another six or so inches above the top of their head.

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Actually, in armor they average closer to ten to twelve feet. Without armor its around 9-ish feet.

Also the minor point that this would mean that the soles of their boots are around six or more inches thick, and the top of their helmet is another six or so inches above the top of their head.

They have armor thick enough to stop a 0.75 caliber, armor piercing, rocket-propelled, high explosive projectile to the point the Traitors had to develop a special round for guaranteed penetration when the Heresy erupted while the original was intended as a small-scale frag rpg against infantry and a tank buster for armored units with lighter plates than the Imperial standard. And its heavy enough that with no power, their movement is greatly affected. Not to mention there's the room under the armor to hide the servos as well as sensor systems that allow the onboard computer to do everything from what's going on outside the armor to everything going on inside the armor. Plus the drug-administering system. And the waste disposal and recycling system.


So I expect it to add a very decent amount of size to Astartes stature. Even more so when it is Terminator armor.

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So back on topic...  with the army wide fear that the CS have, I think they are certainly a modeler's wet dream, for those who like the retro uber mutated look.  Least I assume that fear is on account of them being horribly waped.  Combining possessed parts with the CSM parts would give us the ranged possessed we've been waiting for, even if the only thing they are lacking is a 5++ save.


I will say, though, that I actually kinda prefer the old mutations sprue.  Some of the head options were pretty sweet, especially the guy with his senses dulled, and the one with the bulging eyes and tongue hanging out.

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So back on topic...  with the army wide fear that the CS have, I think they are certainly a modeler's wet dream, for those who like the retro uber mutated look.  Least I assume that fear is on account of them being horribly waped.  Combining possessed parts with the CSM parts would give us the ranged possessed we've been waiting for, even if the only thing they are lacking is a 5++ save.


I will say, though, that I actually kinda prefer the old mutations sprue.  Some of the head options were pretty sweet, especially the guy with his senses dulled, and the one with the bulging eyes and tongue hanging out.


CS's fear is because they are literally haunted.  They have malevolent spirits floating all around them that cause all manner of weird freaky stuff to happen.  Basically go find the scariest episode of "Ghost Adventurers" or similar show.  That's what the CS walk around with.

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Aye, as Wayniac said. The fear on CS detachment is based on the mind-blowing/scary as hell haunting that comes along with them, and less so due to mutations and scary faces.

But like in many cases, imagination is our best buddy in this hobby and the fear can be brought about indeed by horrid disfigurements and mutations if thats what you are into with your chaos armies. 

Haunting spirits or Cluster:cuss of insane warp mutations… i would feel fear if i were to come across either in the dark of the night >_>

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Doesn't this satisfy both the need for more unique Chaos models and Chaos space marines remaining human functionality though? Certainly not mutated beyond reason, yet sufficiently distinct from loyalist marines.

Honestly that's exactly what I want for the whole army, which is the problem. I've actually decided to wait another month or so and see if we get new Chosen just so I don't do twice the work painting up my Marines only to do it a second time.

You can still buy the old mutation sprue via direct only...

I know, I was making a note as to my preference. smile.png

And being haunted gives them their fear eh? Okay, still cool.

It's also where their Possessed come from. It's not Daemons but a lot of ghosts doing it.

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I've been generally impressed with the Chaos updates thus far....so much so that I actually invested in the Chaos Collection boxset too.


The Crimson Slaughter Codex is pretty much for me the best of a great bunch. I love the imagery, the story arcs and the background sections. Its leans heavily away from the "clean" versions I've seen over the years, and its everything I ever wanted for a truly corrupt force.



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