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New Stormtrooper/Scion models


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Not directly chaos related, but the the trimmed armor design feels much more 'chaos' than 'imperial' to me.  Maybe worth getting a box to use a unit champs in cultist squads?  They'd also probably work pretty well with some of the FW renegade guard conversion packs.


Between the (imo) chaos-looking scions and the commissar looking DV cultist champ, I'd love to do up a tempestus attachment for my Black Legion. Sadly, going by past mini-codex examples, I doubt that will be an option. Probably better for my wallet that way, as the price of those scions is ludicrous.  Definitely models I'll be looking into if I ever get around to that chaos guard detachment, though.


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Even brass and silver would to them much good, or crimson and brass. Can it be that I will be able to field the Prosperine Spire Guard at long last? The armour looks ornate enough and the stormtrooper profile goes hand in hand with what was one of the most disciplined and formidable forces of the Imperial Army in the HH era. 

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Not directly chaos related, but the the trimmed armor design feels much more 'chaos' than 'imperial' to me.  


As long as we talk about it from a Chaos perspective, it's all good!


That said, I completely agree that it looks much more sinister and Chaos-y then other Imperium vehicles. 

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you guys really expect us to get these guys as allies?







No these will be yet another imperial, not an ally detatchment army.


from a purely modelling perspective however they are very nice. May even get me to start a guard contingent to field some of them

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Millitarium Tempestus (new name for Stormtroopers) are part of the Astra millitarium( IG new name), Ig are allies of Circumstances( or is it desperate?...) with CSM.


So yeah you can have Stormtroopers as allies, 1 platoon takes 1 elite slot, you get 1-3 units per platoon and 0-1 CMD unit, thats 4 units that can DS and have move through cover, with Plasma/melta/Hotshot lasguns, with a Junior officer that can give orders.


Ots been quite a while that i struggle with the idea of a Blood pact Stormtrooper platoon has allies to my WE, now with the baroque look of the new models, and the new rules, its all possible.


But still...27euro for 5 models..., next to that i still got a 20 man box of Eisenkern stormtroopers from dreamforge that i've got for somethng like 38 or 40, can'"t remember...


though choice...

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I'll eventually buy a box of these to be squad leaders of my converted cultists. I like the DV box set cultists, but painting the same model twice is dull. Having to do it another two times is a no no!


Flagellants and forgeworld conversion packs for me!

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yeah sure, I don't trust WD at all since the stupid knights.


wait till you read the codex


I agree, that was a fiasco, a complete fail. It should have been stated from day one that Chaos has no access to knights. Omitting a rule (in that case a quality of the product) only to promote sales by lying to the customers is a big no no and a major vice in a contract... This was done willingly... so... I wonder why someone has not yet sued GW for this fact.


On a side note, I like the models, I like a more ornate armor which could do wonders for us as chaos should GW ever release a cultist box with tons of chaos stars and other icons of the true faith but the price is a bit exaggerated should we wish to proxy the stormtroopers as cultists. 


And all I can see is Venom... ahem Taurox Prime spam. Cheap squads, dual special weapons, a cheap and a fast transport, useful heavy weapons on the transport...

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yeah sure, I don't trust WD at all since the stupid knights.


wait till you read the codex


I agree, that was a fiasco, a complete fail. It should have been stated from day one that Chaos has no access to knights. Omitting a rule (in that case a quality of the product) only to promote sales by lying to the customers is a big no no and a major vice in a contract... This was done willingly... so... I wonder why someone has not yet sued GW for this fact.


On a side note, I like the models, I like a more ornate armor which could do wonders for us as chaos should GW ever release a cultist box with tons of chaos stars and other icons of the true faith but the price is a bit exaggerated should we wish to proxy the stormtroopers as cultists. 


And all I can see is Venom... ahem Taurox Prime spam. Cheap squads, dual special weapons, a cheap and a fast transport, useful heavy weapons on the transport...

Cost, Purely cost.


Few hobbiest who care would be able to afford to fight GWs :cussty advertising practices, Bout the best most i us can do is lodge complaints with consumer watchdogs while obtaining a refund

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To me, as a traitor guard player, i shall be getting me a box. They look like mercs who have access to some great gear that will be put to good use for the followers of the ruinous powers. I also think they look like the traitor guard in the game Space Marine, which i think is a tie in with the fact there are Titus and Sidoneous heads in the Sternguard box. I think a bit of conversion will have to be done if you wanted to Chaosify them up, but they're also fine as they are.
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Plastic *is* my drug of choice, Trevak.  You think I can afford 40K and cocaine? 

Damn it, you slaughtered me with that one. 


But i have to agree, those models would make fine cultist champions.



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There are new orders for the Astra Militarum, and today we have a first

look at some of them. From the release order we had earlier today, there

are 10 cards in the Astra Militarum Order Card set, so we can assume

that there are more orders than what we have revealed here below.



Please remember that these are rumors. I was told that there are 9

orders just a little bit ago. I can assume that means we are looking at a

10 card set with 9 order cards. I am sure we will find out soon.




via Dex in Alaska on Faeit 212


"Take Aim": Gives the ordered unit Precision Shot


"Smite At Will": Gives the ordered unit Split Fire


"First Rank Second Rank": Ordered unit gains an additional attack with lasguns and hot-shot lasguns


"Forwards for the Emperor" After shooting, ordered unit must run even if they can't normally


"Move, Move, Move" Ordered unit must run, roll dice and use the highest.


"Suppressive Fire" Ordered unit's weapons have the pinning rule

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you guys really expect us to get these guys as allies?







No these will be yet another imperial, not an ally detatchment army.


from a purely modelling perspective however they are very nice. May even get me to start a guard contingent to field some of them

Yeah as Carapace wearing Imperial Guard Veterans (hey its an option right?)

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The armor looks pretty good. the fully enclosed heads help with the whole 'look chaotic' thing. Think these are compatible with the FW Renegade Militia Conversion set?

Probably not, although if you feel brave / confident enough you could always saw the Renegade Militia heads off and use those. Alternatively, cut off and use the skull-helmets of the Enforcers instead.

Hmm, I could see that happening..... whistlingW.gif

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Damn, I hope those listed orders aren't what GW has in mind to give to the entire IG.  Giving all of the eleventy thousand models that seem to be in your average platoon the ability to precision shot is going to be annoying.  Means the sacrificial champ that we use to eat challenges so the HQ guys can boot head probably has an extra short lifespan.


Also, Split Fire.  

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