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is there third party kind of bits for it too? I also love the idea for the thralls

Anvil industries have a couple of things that could be turned into thralls. Their quality is excellent too.


Btw, I don't understand the purpose for giving battle automata power blades? All it gives is rending and ap2. Monstrous creatures already have ap2 all the time. Is this a case of FW planning ahead for the new edition changes we aren't aware of?

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Do Monstrous Creatures behave differently in 30K versus 40K?  Rending does have an added benefit, but you're right - I'm not sure it's worth the effort.  It could also be a case of that classic FW mentality of:  I thought of this, it's cool, let's make rules for it.

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Extra attack for two cc weapons.

This is incorrect. The weapon profile for the Power Blades specifies that they represent a close combat weapon, so no additional attack is granted. Given this and the fact that the Power Blades are an additional cost to the model offering no statistical advantage and only a redundant rule otherwise, keeping the Shock Chargers is actually the superior choice as they cost nothing and grant Concussive. Shock Chargers also do not count as weapons, and even if they did, it is irrelevant because the Power Blades may only be equipped in their stead, not in addition to, so you cannot stack melee weapons to gain extra attacks. Currently, I cannot identify any advantage to using the Power Blades due to the fact that you spend more to get less.

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The Castellax will get the extra attack since you are buying two power blades for the price and so it will be an add.CCW. I like this options to get one extra attack and just that rending that can be of great help!

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The Castellax will get the extra attack since you are buying two power blades for the price and so it will be an add.CCW. I like this options to get one extra attack and just that rending that can be of great help!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you need to possess two close combat weapons to gain the extra attack? The profile for the Power Blades specifies that together they count as a close combat weapon, singular, which would mean that you don't even get an additional attack because according to the rules you are only treated as having a single close combat weapon (clarification required).


Either way, the Shock Chargers do seem more useful - particularly considering they are free.

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The Tech Thralls with two shot lascarbines seem like a good, cheap scoring unit to me- and the veritable 'send in the next wave' ability you can give the archmagos means that theyll more or less be right back in position in the backfield the turn after they die. The biggest problem with them is finding a cost effective way of modeling a 5 pt mostly-robotic cyborg.

What is the 'send in the next wave' ability? I can't seem to see it, which book is it in? Thanks

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