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New Sons Rising


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I have put together a 1K sons list recently with the release of the CS supplement and i have found it to fit oh so nice with a fluffy themed army i was trying to get table worthy. My meta plays pretty darm competative so i had to bring a tough list to compete so heres what i brought.

Chaos Lord- MoTz/disc/sigil/blade of relent/shorns/dheart

Sorc- lvl3/termi/balestar

5 1K sons

5 1K sons

6 bikes- 2 melta/MoTz

5 spawn- MoTz

heldrake- bflamer

forge fiend- hades

pred anhilator

vindicator- possesion/shiel/havoc launch


Brute- TL las/scourge

15 cultists- 10 autoguns/flamer/Motz

15 cultists- 10 autoguns/flamer/Motz

-He had-

Vect w/ wyches in a raider

4x trueborn venoms with blasters

2x ravangers w/3 lances

1x ravanger w/3 disintigrators

wyches in a raider, and a unit of 5 reaver jetbikes

allied farseer m3 on a bike


knight with sword

Yeah so his list was fast and furious and mine is resiliant and tricksy the deplotment was crusade on dawn of war with night fighting. The setting was a city fight with a long wall and some area terrain in both our deployment zones. We had 5 objectives with on central and for relativly central in each quadrant. I deploy along my 12" mark with the sorc with 1 cultists unit and the other cultist unit in reserve. From left to right it's vindi-forgefiend-pred-cultist with sorc behind spawn-sons-sons with bikes behind. He clusters up with a venom on my left,then a raider and the knight and farseer in the mid, a building blocks LOS to vect and another venom, then all 3 ravs and to more venoms on the right.

His psy powers were prescience/forewarning/guide

mine were breath of chaos/prescience/forewarning. both asp sorcs get doombolt (yay!!)

i opt to go first and vect does not sneeze (whew)

Turn 1

I cast prescienceon the forge fiend and forewarning on the spawnwhistling.gif . I trudge with the sons and zoom the bikes up. Forge fiend goes for broke and deamonforges and takes down the raider with wyches. This is after the pred failed and spot the pesky skiff. an asp sorc dies to perils. He responds by swinging his forces in a pincher formation and flying to the flanks. a venom vect and the half strength wyches out thier ride. The knight went up the middle with the farseer chillin out of LoS behind a building. Everything else went to the right flank. Lances whiffed my vehicles, but on the right the full squad of sons, all my bikers and 2 wounds of my lord were gone. The knight makes a charge on the spawn and i make all my 3++ saves and whiff in return.

turn 2

prescience on the fiend forewarning on the spawn, no reserves come in. The fiend takes down a venom, vindi whiffs, pred imobilizes a ravanger in some ruins. Cults and sorc and brute have a rave party in the ruined church on an objective. The chaos lord joins a 1k sons unit they shoot and charge the unit of reaver jetbikes. Bikes disappear, i get 5 souls for the sword and IWND a wound back for my trouble. 1 spawn goes splat on ID and combat is again a push. He resonds trying to get to my backlline but immob the raider getting out of area terrain (super lolz) so instead the combo charge my vindi and fiend and haywire them back to the warp. On the other side of the table. Every elf and his brother turn and unload on the lord and sons, leaving just the lord with one wound. Nothing died and it was a push in combat with the knight.

turn 3

both reserves come in and the drake vectors vect (i particularly enjoyed pointing out this pun to my opponent) and the cultists walk in next to vect and his gals. The cultists that arived get prescience and the spawn again get forewarning. The rerollin cultists wipe the lord of commaragh and his brides of the map. The drake toasts some trueborn. The brute pops another venom. and the lord charges and smashes a ravanger (and gets another ITND wound back). 1 spawn gets squished and midfield combat is a push. He responds by lancing my pred to death. and shooting the holy bejeezus out of my lord who was favored by the lord of change and olny took one wound 3 disintegrator, 4 blasters, and i lost count of how many poison shots. some trueborn charged in to help the midfield combat and got smacked around for thier trouble. 1 spawn got squished and i killed 3 trueborn.

turn 4+

drake vectors and poops on the last of the wyches, prescience on cultists with sorc and forewarning on........the spawn. hellbrute pops another venom. cultists on far left run to an objective. Lord goes and smashes another ravanger, and gets another IWND wound putting him to full. At this point my opponent got really upset and thier isnt much "tactic" left in him. He ends up killing the spawn and using his knight to contest the far left objective and uses his farseer to contest my camped objective in an attempt for it to end on a tie (linebreaker vs first blood) but it doesnt end. and i clean up most of the rest cept the knight which is locked with some cultists. He conseeds after turn 5.

after thoughts

I though the list really worked well against a tough and mobile eldar list, though there were some really lucky moments (mostly with my lord and his saves and IWND which my opponent crys OP!! for but for over 200 points he should be!). Any thoughts opinions critiques plz share :)

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Well done on the win!


Prescienced forgefiend is brilliant.



The natural junk save on the bikes is better than the MoT - drop it.


Spawn ignore cover penalties for moving, and cover save is better than the Tz save.


Cannot fire the havoc launcher on the vindi if you shoot the demolisher. Better with combi bolter if it was just for weapon destroyed insurance.


I had fun in my last game with a vindi - I managed to get Invisibility, kept casting it on the vindi every game for generally a 2+ cover save on it...

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Well done on the win!


Prescienced forgefiend is brilliant.



The natural junk save on the bikes is better than the MoT - drop it.


Spawn ignore cover penalties for moving, and cover save is better than the Tz save.


Cannot fire the havoc launcher on the vindi if you shoot the demolisher. Better with combi bolter if it was just for weapon destroyed insurance.


I had fun in my last game with a vindi - I managed to get Invisibility, kept casting it on the vindi every game for generally a 2+ cover save on it...


I'd guess the MoT on the Bikes, Cultists and the Spawns are there to buff them with Forewarning if necessary, for a 3++ save (4++ Forewarning + MoT -> 3++).

That's pretty slick!

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Thanks for the responces,


@Xenith- thanks for the thought on the vindi, for some reason i kept thinking the demo cannon was heavy, more the better as i never shot the 2nd gun anyways. 


@Aasfresser- yeah the MoTz was for 2 reasons, one was for the buff in CC as there is no cover save in combat and my unit do at times make it there. The 2nd reason is indeed for the case of forewarning. It was actually crucial in this game as my spawn lasted 7 combat rounds with a str 10 wraithknight thanks to a 3++. I want flexibility with this option and of course for fluff reasons. I hope to get in aanother game soon and ill tweak around the list to see what i can come up with, thanks again guys!

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