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Ultimate Power! Let's have fun with relics.


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So lets pretend we can mix relics/gifts from any of the Chaos Codex, CSM and Daemons, what would you build? This just seems like it could be fun.


I would probably do a Sorcerer of Tzeentch on disc with Last Memories, Balestar, Scrolls, Daemonheart, ML3, Sigil, and Gift of Mutation. Possibly add in Doomstone from Daemons for force LD checks in combats. Just seems like a fun psyker. Having a ML4 Psyker on a jetbike with 2+/3++ and learning new powers every turn.

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If we're taking the gloves off (so to speak), I'd go for:


Chaos Lord:

- Chaos Bike with the Combi-bolter swapped for the Burning Brand

- Mark of Nurgle

- Daemonheart

- Slaughterer's Horns

- Sigil of Corruption

- Black Mace

- Power Axe

- Gift of Mutation

- Combat Familiar

- Blight Grenades

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I still like my Black Legion lord, Uncle Bad Touch:


Chaos Lord

Sigil of Corruption

Mark of Tzeentch

Hand of Darkness

Skull of Kerngar

Disk of Tzeentch

Power Maul


He's legal to boot!  Just flies up and donkey punches something.  If it's the first round of combat against a monster, I just swing the maul, second round (their turn) I poke it in the eye with the hand... if there was a way to re-roll to hit, I'd probably crap my pants.

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I still like my Black Legion lord, Uncle Bad Touch:


Chaos Lord

Sigil of Corruption

Mark of Tzeentch

Hand of Darkness

Skull of Kerngar

Disk of Tzeentch

Power Maul


He's legal to boot!  Just flies up and donkey punches something.  If it's the first round of combat against a monster, I just swing the maul, second round (their turn) I poke it in the eye with the hand... if there was a way to re-roll to hit, I'd probably crap my pants.


If only we had access to Divination...on a cheap model...that we could ride in a unit of bikes with. ;)

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Khorne Lord.


-Blade of the Relentless in one hand and Shiverspine Blade in the other.

-Kerngar Skull


-Prophet of the Voices

-Sigil of Corruption

-Gift of Mutation



Lord with 7 A init 6 +D6 A/ S5-7 AP2 ID attacks , with possible Rending.

With a 2+/4++ OR 3++ save, T5 W4 with EW, IWND and +1on DtW.


If you can add stuffs from the Deamon codex, then a Collar of Khorne, and a Medium/Higher Reward

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Chaos Lord on Juggernaught




Tyrant's Claw with incorporated Baleflamer.


2+ armor save thing


Eternal Warrior Skull


Sigil of Corruption


+1 Initiative


+1 strength


+1 toughness


+1 attack


Mark of Khorne



Special Rules that negates Eternal Warrior and invalidates Invulnerable Saves (cause :cuss loyalists and they're "Oh we can just buy Eternal Warrior and Artificer armor"  :cussbags.)



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They all look fun. Thats probably my favorite part of the new codex. Relics/Artefacts and ability to make different HQs. Now only if the would make a supplement of just relics and maybe a campaign to collect them.
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