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Are special weapons Havocs worth it ?


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Just a quick question guys ! I only play loyalist Chapters, but after getting the Chaos Codex, I am very tempted to turn to the Dark side !

I really love the customization options for the units, and the fact that you can tailor a whole space marine army to your desires and playstyles !


For my core Troops choices, I am very tempted by the Noise Marines. They feel like great defenders with lots of suppressive fire, and I was thinking of having them wield 2 CCW to get a more defensive ability thanks to their Initiative 5.


Because they will be positionned more in the midfield, I need units that will be advancing towards more. To that effect, I was hesitating between several choices :

- Chaos terminators, because they are dirt cheap compared to Marine Termis ! I was thinking of them as an infantry meatgrinder, with power lances, Mos and either the regular combi bolter or a combi-plasma. They would be Deep struck behind enemy lines, along with my slaanesh Lord. This goes between 177 and 202 points, giving me 15 AP3 strength 5 attacks at Initiative 5, probably enough to severely damage any squad I get into !

- special weapons Havocs, in Rhinos. They would either be given a total of 4 special weapons, 2 plasmas and 2 meltas I beleive. Their goal would be to overwhelm enemy defense lines and destroy key targets, while they are supported by the Noise Marines.


My point, however, is that I've read that people would recommend special weapons chosen rather than special weapons Havocs. My main problem is that Chosen get very expensive, and I see the Havocs more as a way to bring down close range firepower than initiating an assault..


What is your take on that ?

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It all depends on the list you have planned.


Special weapon Chosen are aften best if you have other things (like Obliterators/Vindicators etc) planned for your Heavy Support. 

However, Havocs are cheaper than Chosen, and have the same level of survivability.


I use Chosen because:

- 1 - They are better in melee, and with short ranged weapon (Meltas, Flamers) they are quite likely to see combat.

- 2 - They can have that 1 extra special weapon in the unit (5 rather than 4).

- 3 - I use them as Black Legion, so they're Troops, and therefore scoring.

- 4 - I fill my Heavy Support selections rather quickly with other things.


I wouldn't advise mixing weapons.  Each unit should be dedicated to their purpose and used accordingly.

What you want to avoid is the "Jack of all trades, master of none" approach, as it makes decisive action difficult.


So to answer your question - yes, they may well be worth it - but it depends on how you intend to use them and what other units you intend to take.

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I see the benefit of halving the special weapons and keeping them inside the rhino, then using the fireing ports with options depending on what you're targeting, of course that depends on the rhino surviving so you'd need armour saturation or enough distractions to keep them alive, the terminators would do OK here, maybe a maulerfiend for your third heavy slot? Either that or some bikes to get in the enemy's face quick.
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I welcome thee to join our efforts in the long war, you have made a wise decision indeed brother.

Havocs with special weapons are an useable unit but as people above have stated, you may be better off saving such duties for chosen for multiple reasons. Biggest of them being that majority of our long ranged weaponry is stuck in heavy support slot ,and i find any army list with out dependable quite vulnerable to end up gunned down from distance. 

I primarily make my lists with the Warmasters own supplement and thus field multiple units of chosen with your intended duties on the field while scoring at the same time. 

Havocs with special weapons are perfectly viable unit and in no way bad choice, i simply find it that there are many others more worthy of the few precious heavy support slots in our FOC. Like the lascannon predator or obliterators that have already been mentioned by people above.

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