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Any Iron Warriors play fluffy lists?


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Ok, so, I've got a Chaos Lord with sod all upgrades, a Warpsmith with a power axe and sigil, 2 squads of ten Marines with Vets, Rhinos and autocannons. I've then got two squads of 5 Marines with Vets in Rhinos, no other upgrades. I assume my logic is put the Lord with one five man squad and the Warpsmith with the other.


Heavy its two Vindicators, two plasmafiends and two Defilers with a Reaper autocannon and a pair of Havoc launchers.


I... may have to rework those Marine squads a touch. Somehow. But yeah, lots of dakka. This is my preliminary 'roughly what I want the army to look like' list, so is very subject to change. For example, I may have to squeeze in some Relic Predators.



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