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+++ Lucifer's Underdogs Bi-monthly challenge #2: Scouts +++

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How does the challenge works?

Every two months a unit from DA Codex is chosen. This of course will be one of the supposed less than good units from DA Codex.

Players will have 2 months to play games with the unit and report results.

When reporting results, players must submit a photo of the unit in action against opponents army to validate result.

What do you have to report? Number and details of models killed by unit and any action considered noteworthy.

After the two months results will be announced and token prizes will be awarded.

There will be prizes for most kills, most assists, survivor, Ace fighter, tank hunter, Steam-roller.



The unit chosen for this first challenge is DA Scouts.

Those willing to participate will have to leave a vow on this thread.

I, xxxxx of the First Legion vow to use the underdog unit xxxx in as many games as I can.

replace first xxxxx for your screen name and the second xxxx for the Underdog unit chosen.

Let the games begin!

I, Master Avoghai of the First Legion vow to use the underdog unit Scouts in as many games as I can.


Actually most of the dirty tourny lists I see do contain scouts

: they get a nice cover saves, may prevent infiltrators, have the move through cover rules allowing them to get an objective during last turn. The sniper rifles can wound MC...


I was a fervent opponent of this unit but I'm beginning to see it the other way (and since I often play a techmarine it can be very funny)

I, Ncsuwolf, of the First Legion vow to use the underdog unit DA Scouts in as many games as I can!!


How fortuitous as I have a tournament this weekend and fully plan to cause some mayhem in my enemies ranks thanks to a trusty squad of these unsung heroes(ive had a scout kill a hell drake with a sniper rifle before >.<)....

This Saturday I'm going to try and talk someone into a friendly game at the gw club meeting, 500pts nothing extreme.


Failing thar I'm playing 500 - 750pts games the following Sunday


I shall take the vow before I depart, like a good marine does.

Oh man I guess I am getting a green wing list together. Last time I used my scouts they took out a wraith lord and held an objective against 4k of eldar. I Dafoo vow to use my scouts in my next game of warhammer 40k. Bat reps shall be posted.

I aura_enchanted vow to use the underdog scout units in as many games as I can!


Going to be heading down to my local gw today for a beginners 40k day. I'll be fielding one scout team in my 500pts lists and 2 in my 600 and 750pts lists


Their loadouts are as follows


1x6 with boltguns and hb

1x5 with s rifles and a rocket launcher

Hello Battle Brothers, I have won with my scouts and as soon as I get all my pictures together I will be posting a Battle Report. Needless to say we won. Even though it was against thousand sons, and.. he didn't bring a Heldrake, which I guess is ok because I spent about 70 points on flakk missiles that did not need to get spent I guess. Anyways scouts were played and won with. Battle Report inbound soon. I will go into full detail on my scouts exploits in said battle report. Although for highlights I did enjoy that they had cover saves against AP 3 bolters and I also liked the fact that on turn zero/one I snagged three objectives and forced my opponent to not be able to deploy any of his infiltrators outside of his own starting zone. 

Neophytes! Honor your commander!




In a 2,000 points game against my Chaos friend who was running a Khorne-centric list, as opposed to his normal Nurgle list.


His list (approximations):


Khârn (Warlord)

Daemon Prince (Mark of Khorn, and an Axe of Blind Fury)

Khorne Beserkers with Khârn

2 x Chaos Space Marines in Chaos Rhinos (MoK)

1 5-man Squad of CSM (started in reserve)


3 Obliterators (pictured)

Landraider w/ Lascannons (Berserkers and Khârn inside)


My list:

Belial (SoS)

Librarian (Force Axe, ML2, Conversion Field, Digital Weapons) - Took Flame Breath and Prescience

DW Command Squad (Champion, 4x TH/SS, CML, DW Company Banner) - Should see them beyond the scouts near Oblits

Command Squad (Apoth, SoD)

*SCOUTS* (4x Sniper/ML, Camocloaks)

3x Tactical Squads (2 as PG/PC, 1 as PG/ML), combat squadded 1 of the PG squads

1x DW Terminators (AC/CF)

5 Man RW Squad (Melta Bombs/2xMeltagun)

Devastator Squad (4x LC).


Mission: Purge the Alien

Nightfighting: ON

Terrain: Sparse (my shop games always roll density) - the board actually went [my side/his side] 3/3, 2/2, 1/1 by chance, so it was almost like the outskirts of the city.



I deployed my 2 full tactical squads in the denser parts of the terrain, there wasn't any cover to deploy into but we had forests and a few buildings in the mid field for some cover saves.  I my Devastators were perched on the top level in the middle of the board getting a good view of the battlefield, and my 1 combat squadded plasma cannon went on top of another building.  Librarian and Belial were with the command squad, DWT also in reserve.  Ravenwing deployed right in the middle of the board behind a LOS blocker (that I purposely placed about 12" from deployment).  Held the scouts for infiltration.


He deployed his landraider and 2 rhinos out of light of sight of my devastators (and range with nightfighting), his obliterators in his mid field terrain, and the maulerfiend and demon prince on the "outskirts".  That's where I infiltrated my scouts within range of Obliterators, also well within range of the Daemon Prince and Maulerfiend.  I scouted the RW up 12".


DA Turn 1:  Deep striking the Command Squad into enemy territory got a wound on the Oblit squad from Flame breath.  The scouts landed all their shots, even the Krak! and even a rend! but was saved by a 2+ cover in ruins.  Tacticals moved up a few inches to be in appropriate range for banner nonsense.


Chaos Turn 1 (and a long one at that):    Maulerfiend and Daemon Prince approach the Belial Squad, Khârn and his merry men assault out of the landraider while some chaos rhinos unload some CSM to shoot up the RW/DWT, I lose a RW Sarge (who cares), and 1 DWT.  He charges with his Prince and Maulerfiend, as do Khârn.  He chooses to resolve combat with the Daemon Prince and Belial first, I must say I am not confident, the last time we played I had my trusty DWK who smote the Daemon back to the work pretty effortlessly, but this time not as much.  He doesn't challenge, nor do I.  He rolls a 1 on his daemon weapon!! Emperor be praised! So he basically whiffs all his attacks.  The maulerfiend does however hit my champion (who was also carrying the banner) and I lose him.  So down goes about 90 points of model.  No one does much of anything except a glance on the maulerfiend and the librarian scores both hits on the Daemon prince and lands both wounds, he fails his invuln and Force Weapon!!! ZAP.  First Blood.  On the other side of the battlefield Khârn chews through the RW with little effort.  (was a mistake he resolved the command squad first, but I see that he was going for FB/STW at the same time).


DA Turn 2: Scouts again shoot at the Obliterators, scoring another wound but again saved. The weight of 2.5 tactical sqauds pours into Khârn. (84 Bolter shots, 6 plasma gun shots, 1 plasma cannon and a krak missile).  He's the only one standing when my terminators heroically charge him.  Obviously mad, Khârn chews up 3 of them, but my remaining AC Terminators lands ONE wound, and Khârn fails his invuln.  Maulerfiend explodes from Thunder Hammers.


The rest of the game doesn't warrant much, we called it after my turn 3 as the banner was still up (just banner bearer) and my opponent only had a land raider and about 10 or so CSM.  My scouts hopped down but were LOS blocked and couldn't even snapshot anything.


Scout effectiveness: Inconclusive.  Regrettably we rolled Purge the Xenos which I feel really doesn't favor scouts, sniper scouts at that.  But this is pretty much how every game I use them in goes.  Usually they serve as a distraction.  I really have no problem infiltrating them and sacrificing them to bait my opponent into a bad position, or fool them into going after them, further away from the main fighting.  Had his maulerfiend or Daemon Prince charged, I had lascannons waiting (perched high enough it would take at least 2 turns to get to them).  My plan was to hope to score a wound and pin the obliterators, my biggest worry were plasma cannon shots, in the end they scored no unsaved wounds in 2 rounds of shooting.  Normally I'd be plopping them where my one plasma cannon combat squad was on an objective, but alas we didn't get the chance.  So it looks like I'll need to try again next week!


My opponent made some poor decisions, I don't think he gave my deployment a whole lot of thought and essentially walked into all that bolter fire.  A victory for the First nonetheless tho!


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