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28mm Tomahawk

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Ive done some searching around the Citadel range as well as third parties but really havent found anything suitable for representing a 28mm scale tomahawk. I plan on using it as an Asartes weapon and had hoped I could pull it off with a small ax from WFB. Nothing has caught my eye as of yet.


Im looking for something similar to this: http://www.browning.com/products/catalog/tactical-knives/detail.asp?fid=013E&cid=320&tid=110BL


Any ideas?

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While not as stylish as the one you posted a Lego axe might work. The old small ones.


Empire free company has an arm with a small axe too. Reaper sells this, has a more tribal feel to it though.


You could also easily carve an axehead from a bit of sprue or plastic card and add a piece of plastic rod as handle. Would also get you exactly the shape you want.

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The second axe in the picture Pors posted could easily be cut down to the proper length. Also you could shape one out of green stuff if you have the time to play around a bit. It wouldn't be too hard to let a flat "blank" in the thickness you need dry and then draw the outline of the axe you want and trim it out. I would use a handle from a combat knife just to save some time.

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I shaved down a warriors of chaos axe to make a tomahawk for this plasma gunner:




Thats actually incredibly convincing and seemingly easy to pull off. Thanks for the help guys!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I scratch built mine, I used plasticard sheet cut to shape, add a splitting edge, and then attach to a haft made from styrene rod, using either thicker styrene rod, or glue and green stuff. Because they were for my plague marines, I wanted the more robust look, since my tomahawks are intended as trench weapons.
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