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CSM Biker HQ + Spawn

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I apologize as this must have been asked before, but I'm not seeing the answer at the moment.


Basically, I'm curious about how shooting-phase movement works when a CSM HQ on a bike is attached to a unit of Spawn.  Does he get to turbo-boost and do they get to run, and it's cool as long as everyone stays in coherency?  Or are those more squad-level choices, i.e., nobody gets to move in the shooting phase, because the squad as a whole cannot either turbo-boost or run?


Related question:  Am I correct in thinking that HQs cannot either join or leave squads as part of their shooting-phase movement--this must happen in the movement phase?  I.e., my hypothetical unit couldn't get around mixed-unit-type movement restrictions by breaking apart every movement phase and re-joining via their bonus movement in the shooting phase.

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Basically, I'm curious about how shooting-phase movement works when a CSM HQ on a bike is attached to a unit of Spawn.  Does he get to turbo-boost and do they get to run, and it's cool as long as everyone stays in coherency?  Or are those more squad-level choices, i.e., nobody gets to move in the shooting phase, because the squad as a whole cannot either turbo-boost or run?

So long as they stay in coherency, they can move how they wish, or not. This can cause certain problems in the next phase, if you're not careful, though.


Related question:  Am I correct in thinking that HQs cannot either join or leave squads as part of their shooting-phase movement--this must happen in the movement phase?  I.e., my hypothetical unit couldn't get around mixed-unit-type movement restrictions by breaking apart every movement phase and re-joining via their bonus movement in the shooting phase.

Correct. Independent Characters (whether HQ or not) may only join/leave a unit in the Deployment Phase or in the Movement Phase. The Shooting Phase counts as neither.
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I am a firm believer in "every model moves at its own pace" rule.  The unit moveing according to the slowest model is a 5th edition hold over.  So in the shooting phase, you pick a the unit and run.  Every model that can run, does so.  Bikes can not run.  Bikes can turbo boost.  So with the same unit, every model that can turbo boost does so.  as long as you maintain cohrency through out, no problem.


Othe place will play differently.  After all, the rules do say the unit runs.  If one model in the unit can notrun then the unit can notrun.  The bike can still turbo boost since its rule is on a model bases.


So the answer is: there is no answer.  Talk it over with your play grouop and try to come to some sort of consensus.

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