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Dark Apostle


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Hi guys.


For my very fluff oriented Word Bearers army I want to use a Dark Apostle. I know he is not the greatest, and is consistently outperformed at most things by most other HQ choices but I am determined not to write him off just yet.


I have never played a game of 40k before so was hoping to put this out there to see what responses I get. Please try and be constructive I now know what can do it better but I would like to know how people have made him work for them.


I really want to try and get the best out of him. So any tips from loadout to accompanying unit and how best to use him in battle would be great.


Thanks in advance.

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Thanks for the suggestions guys.


Before reading this, he was equipped with:


MoT - for 3++

Possible gift of mutation although I was advised against this.


And was to be deployed inside a 15 strong unit of close combat CSM with Flamers.


There is quite clearly room for change as it have since been advised to edit this slightly from what it was but was wondering if you guys think this could work for him.

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