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Lords and mutations

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When it comes to modelling and fluff of chaos lords do you guys think that they should have mutations (such as clawed arms etc) or should they be more subtle and be reasonably heavy mutations free and leave the mutations for the aspirin champs/rest of the force?



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It all depends on 1) the wargear you give your character and 2) the background he has. Personally, outside of the Black Legion and the Word Bearers, I prefer to see veterans of the Long War remain mostly human. It shows they still have drive and a goal to achieve instead of tossing it aside for favour.

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I think as with most hobby related things this will boil down to pure personal preference...


So my personal preference and 2 pence is thus:


Pro Mutagenics:

- Warp exposure can leave instant and prolonged effects on the individual...within moments you can go from barrel chested man hulk marine to slavering ninja spider monkey

- Even recent renegades can be "blessed" by their patrons quickly. The Dark Gods are fickle in their presents and also their abundance

- Every marine is different, a by product of their forsaken humanity, and by definition they pledge themselves/are blessed/cursed in varying and wonderful manners


Against Mutagenics:

- Some fight for the right to merely exist in a galaxy that has left them to burn (look at 4th company Crimson Slaughter)

- Again....its all personal choice for each marine how patriotic they are feeling to their new masters

- Lords and Masters may appear untainted, such as Marduk in the Word Bearer books, but within their flesh shell they are still rotten to the core


Anywho...hope this helps!



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I think that the Chosen from Dark Vengeance, and Kranon strike a nice balance between the two concepts. I love some warp spawned mutations on my units, mostly to tie in with the visual concept of chaos space marines, but I would not go so far to merge into a look similar to the WFB Forsaken. In short mutations yes, chaos motifs yes, but not overdone. Also the armies I play, namely Thousand Sons and Alpha Legion have a strange relationship with mutations. The first are essentially walking space marine golems and the army fields mutated things in an extreme, Spawn, the second army hides its mutations in order to surprise the enemies, hence most mutations are subtle. 

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What about death guard lords then?

Likely to be very rotten and gross looking. Possibly mutated in odd ways. Enlarged limbs and disformed.

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Simply put - rule of cool.


If you think your Lord will look cooler with a mutated arm, then give him one.


From a game-play perspective, so long as it's still easy to tell what he's likely to be armed with, there's no issue there either.


There's the Flawless Host Lord that has the Possessed arm which ends in the Sword in the Codex (page 78) that looks pretty cool.


One of the great things about Chaos is the inherent variety and personalisation that you can put into your table-top representation.  Your Lord, Sorcerer or Daemon Prince represents you.  So having him look how you want him to look can be an important part of that.


I use the Medusa Campaign Lord most of the time, because he has a Kai Gun growing out of (and into) his right arm.  Now I'm a fan of blasting away with nasty guns when it comes to playing games, so he's a perfect fit.  Whether the Kai Gun is used to represent the Burning Brand or just a Combi-plasma, he'll do nicely.

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Simply put - rule of cool.


I use the Medusa Campaign Lord most of the time, because he has a Kai Gun growing out of (and into) his right arm.  Now I'm a fan of blasting away with nasty guns when it comes to playing games, so he's a perfect fit.  Whether the Kai Gun is used to represent the Burning Brand or just a Combi-plasma, he'll do nicely.


Ahh the Kai Gun, now that was a weapon worthy of a Chaos Lord. The Hate-Spitter.

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Depends entirely on the Lord, his character, his experiences and history; some Chaos Lords, such as Abaddon the Despoiler, Khârn the Betrayer et al, seem to be peculiarly inured to the mutating effects of Chaos owing to (variously) their sense of purpose, strength of will and body or because they are held in especial esteem by the Chaos powers. Others openly embrace or seek out mutation, regarding the transfiguration of their flesh as holy articles or blessings. My own Severed Angels, for example, sport all manner of bodily alterations and mutations as they regard the transgression beyond and transcendence of their anatomy as  a sacred rite; they actively court mutation and surgically alter their own bodies. As such, the Sorcerers and champions that lead them are amongst the most hideously corrupted and distorted beings imaginable.

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When it comes to modelling and fluff of chaos lords do you guys think that they should have mutations (such as clawed arms etc) or should they be more subtle and be reasonably heavy mutations free and leave the mutations for the aspirin champs/rest of the force?




In the past with codex 3.5 when I model the Kai gun on a Iron Warrior HQ, I wanted to be part of him & would have a Obliterator style flesh join the gun to the arm.


- Photo was taken back in 2005



Might do this for a future Havoc unit for my current Iron Warriors force.


Started useing the cable parts from the Warpsmith on a few models recently to show how them self, armour, etc... are all one.



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