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Chaos Codex Questions


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So I've been scanning through the codex, and I've noticed that it was left out what would happen if you took a Chaos Lord /w the Mark of Tzentch. Does this mean to it's impossible to make a Chaos Lord a Chaos Sorcerer Lord? I want to run a sorcerer as my HQ but I really don't like the fact that I can make him have more then two wounds. 

Another thing I found rather peculiar is why Hell Brutes/Defilers/Demonforges don't have access to vehicle upgrades. 

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Assuming you are serious:


Yes it sucks, no true sorcerer Lord is possible, you're stuck with a 2 wound MoT sorcerer (barring an extremely Lucky roll on the chaos boon table rofl).


Yes it sucks, those vehicles indeed cannot take vehicle upgrades. Not that there is anything you would want to buy for them anyways, but still.

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our sorc lord is ahriman and tyfus . not that it helps much people that want to go tzeench.


Dirge on a mauler could be fun. But in general you don't realy want to buy upgrades for chaos stuff other then for very specific units[mon and lords/oblits , sorc stuff for sorc , bikes for HQs , plasma/melta etc].

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Defilers can take Vehicle Upgrades. I sling Dirge Casters on mine, so you just made me have a moment of 'Have I been cheating for the past year?' and I double checked. It's the very last thing on their options list.



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