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Rogue Trader


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Right, so a few weeks back, I put out a few feelers about the feasibility of fielding a Rogue Trader in games using the rules for an Ordo Xenos Inquisitor. The response was pretty positive, so hopefully this will be the start of a decent build-log.

The basic starting point is this guy:


Now i know thats not power armoured (or even human) but bear with me, he will be when I'm finished. The sprue he comes from looks like this:


Basically, i intend to use the rear torso with attached reptile-skin cloak, the head (due to arrogant sneer), the hair and the right leg from this. There will be a fair bit of cutting and resculpting to do, as well as constructing a hopefully scratchbuilt bionic to replace the dopey looking pegleg. Arms/weapons are up in the air right now, so any suggestions are welcome.

The tricky part I think will be to ensure that the finished model looks imperial enough to cover any lingering Dark Eldar-ness. I've ordered a box of the new Tempestus Scions as it looks like a good source of bits, but the rest will have to come from my existing bits box.

This wont be a speedy build, being done in snatched moments between toddler-herding, but I hope it will entertain. Should be a new update in a few days.

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