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Can the quad gun fire on its own?


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I can't find an answer in the rule book and spent the last hour using the search engine to find an answer to no avail.


So can a quad gun fire without being manned? I'm thinking no.



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The gun emplacement rules state that:


"one model in base contact with the gun emplacement can fire it instead of his own weapon"


The gun emplacement has no BS of its own so can't fire by itself as per the zero-level characteristics rule on page 3.


It also lacks the automated fire special rule that would effectively give it a BS.

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Check out Automated Fire on page 90


And then there are the Sentry Defence System and Fully Automated rules in Stronghold Assault.


A quad-gun can not fire on its own any more than a plasma pistol may fire on its own.  Instead think of it like this: buildings may auto-fire their emplaced weapons rather than the weapon auto-firing itself.  Even so a building must be occupied or have some other rule that allows it to auto-fire.

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If you're using the updated Buildings rules from Stronghold Assault I believe a quadgun could fire on its own if it's on the battlements of a building. The SA rules state:



A gun emplacement placed upon a building’s battlements counts as an additional emplaced weapon



At the start of the game, all fortifications that are buildings that were bought as part of a player’s army are ‘claimed’ by the owning player.



A claimed building gains the Sentry Defence System special rule, as detailed below:
Sentry Defence System: A building with this special rule can use automated fire against enemy units, even if it is unoccupied. In addition, enemy units can shoot at and charge a building with this special rule, even if it is unoccupied.
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Thanks guys


So I'm guessing that the quad gun then have to shoot at the same target as the squad whose model is manning the quad gun

It counts in all ways as firing the models equipped gun really, so normal targetting, use of splitfire, etc etc etc.

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To do a horrible thing, and dip into tactics for a moment, Ive often thought of the quadgun as an upgrade for the dev sarge in a unit full of flak missiles- get gets 4 shots to their one, and twin linksem.

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Mine's an upgrade for my Chaos Champion, Lord or Sorcerer - nothing like sniping out a Character for a extra roll on the Boon table.  It works rather well against anything T3.

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Yes, unless the model that moved onto the gun has the Relentless or Slow and Purposeful special rule.


It is a model firing a heavy weapon "instead of his own weapon".  A model firing a heavy weapon after moving snap-shoots unless otherwise exempt from doing so (via the rules above).

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Again, Stronghold Assault updates the relevant rules (but is optional).



One non-vehicle model in base contact with a gun emplacement can fire it instead of his own weapon, following the normal rules for shooting (note that a model firing a gun-emplacement always counts as being stationary, even if it moved in its preceding Movement phase).
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