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Once down the Chaos path....


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So I started playing Chaos Space Marines, also did Daemons, then did IG but decided they would be Renegades and Heretics after reading Siege of Vraks.


Then I decided, hey how about a change and I started work on the other end of the spectrum - a Grey Knights / Inquisition list.


But as I work on building / painting such a list - I keep thinking to myself - how can I make it more Radical? I'm starting to read up on Dark Heresy Radical fluff. I try to figure out how can I model in elements of Xenos tech, Heretic tech, Daemon tech and still keep it somewhat believable fluff-wise.


I add an Ordo - I consider, maybe he's been driven insane by his experiences. I add a Techmarine - I think, I'm going to model him as a Dark Mechanicus. I add a DCA - I say, I'm going to model her as a real Khorne Beserker. I add a GK Grand Master even - I relent, he's going to be a possessed Oblationist.


Recently I'm starting to think, nevermind the fluff, I'll model a fully Chaotic army that just happens to use the GK / Inq codex.


Lol, once down the Chaos path....


Forget the dex, Chaos is just too colorful to stay away. Maybe I need to reign it in abit on my GK / Inq list and go back to working on my CSM list instead.


Posting here instead of the General or GK forums to buy me some time to hide from Exterminatus.

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As fluff goes, I can't justify GKs going Chaos. I mean, you can use rules obviously as you feel, but I'd rather just add radical inquisitors and renegade Space Marines who use Chaos for the Imperium.

Yes - I totally get this. The fluff of GK going Chaos does not fly at all.

Which is why I'm saying I have a problem lol. This post isn't looking for justification or rationalization. Its a reaffirmation of my allegiance. devil.gif

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Remember that although Grey Knights are incorruptible, only Crowe can be trusted not to be corrupted by that sword.... SO let me fix that for you GW... Grey Knights are totally incorruptible. Then we have the incident where the Grey Knights performed a ritual to dedicate protect themselves to from Khorne.

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Well the fluff of the Grey Knights is not fitting to chaos but their individual power level most certainly is, and I speak of Paladin power level for what could be effectively a Horus Heresy era veteran, you know the space marines who actually live in hell, who has been killing things since the Unification Wars and who has been killing marines since Istvaan. Now that is the actual power level of such a marine. That is what I would call a Chosen. 


As for Chaos itself, I have started with the two legions I love in 3.5, the Legions of Change, with some Berzerkers here and there but I was constant to two armies, Thousand Sons and Alpha Legion. With the advent of the 4th I traded all for new plastic and got myself a Black Legion army which was paraded by that codex and in the first year of the 6th edition CSM I played Emperor's Children.


Now I have sold all of the old models and I am strictly buying only new releases with the clear goal to make a codex lookalike Alpha Legion army, complete with the GW painting guides and with an extensive fluff background since I will participate in three separate campaigns this year. Point is I want a complete overhaul of the looks and the feel of my chaos army and that is why I am limiting myself to only new models and new rules.


Chaos is a fantastic faction, too bad that is often overlooked in fluff and by the rules but in the end we are very interesting due to our background as an army. Also with the Daemons I can stand a reasonable chance in tournaments, but only with daemons allies which so far are getting me victories. 

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Of the new models I do not like the "Crimson Slaughter" cartoon version, especially without battle damage and the likes but overall the new plastic is a marvel to look upon and paint. I enjoyed every single bit of the Raptors kit and the Chosen from DV, broader trims means a better way to paint the ornate pieces of the chaos armor. Not only that but GW is doing a nice job in covering many painting schemes and I must compliment with the new WD team for in every number there is an useful technique to use for painting. Shuffle a bit between the guides and one can have some solid results. 


The old models were in my opinion too old. I have been playing with some for over ten years by now and all grew stale to me. I have a CSM squad still on sprues to link my collection to what is by now ancient past but I think our army is in due for an update across the whole range. It was clear to me especially when it came to models from 2-3rd Edition, for example the Plague Marines with the Pickelhaube helmet had a single pose and all looked very static, same for the Obliterators which are becoming a sore for my eyes, especially with all the dynamism of the 6th Edition releases. 


In the end I think that it is always the wise thing to look to the future rather than linger with the past (excluding the nostalgia for the 3.5 codex) when comes to models and painting and while some old models are nice, they really are out of place on the tables of the 6th Edition. IMO.

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I'm just currently loving how people are taking current and old models and throwing them together in way you would normally think of. Really pushing how they want their armies to look and not just painting the models in the ways set out by GW.


There's only really ever been one other army you can get away with doing that. But it's Xenos so I won't name it.

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Well to be honest, I still like the look of the older Raptors and Dreadnoughts.  Chosen I'm iffy with, based on what it's designed with.  In all honesty, I'm buying older models because they're cheaper, and it's hard for me to get build on a constricted budget.

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My tau, and how I've always played them was the reason Chaos was suggested to me in the first place (specifically Iron Warriors.  They say that I see the worst in everything just like Pertabo).


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