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Havoc special weapon squads - mixed weapons?


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Alright, I have had a bit of a thought regarding the use of Havocs as dedicated special weapon units, mounted up in rhinos. The current prevailing trend for these guys is to load them up with four of a particular weapon, and send them hunting against their chosen target type. 


However, I got to thinking. A rhino can only allow two models to fire from the top hatch at a time, so unless the squad disembarks, they are only putting half their special firepower on a target. And what if the target type they are loaded up for is not really present on the field?


I am wondering about the effectiveness of mixed weapon squads. Two flamers and two plasmaguns apiece, the squad would forgo a measure of effectiveness against terminators for a much higher ability to deal with hordes. Mounted in a rhino, you would not even notice the difference, except you could deal with a much wider range of targets.



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A special havocks aren't taken . B if someone someone realy needed drive by plasma , he would take plaguemarines C mixing weapons that will not be used at the same time is bad. 2 melta and 2 flamer could be an option in a big unit of havocks[some sort of a deathstar with huron and lucius added for maximum overwatch] , but rapid fire weapons and assault weapons are a no go .

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maybe if you were to give em lascannons as PMs cannot take 2 of them


EDIT: if its possible to fire lascannons out of the ports, I dunno never tried.

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You can fire lascannons out of the hatch, so in theory something like two missile launchers and two Melta guns could work, can move six and fire the krak missiles and as you close in on a target hit it with melta. If your ride gets wrecked early hit some cover and use melta guys as wounds, otherwise try and get them alive and use the missile guys as wounds.
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You can fire lascannons out of the hatch, so in theory something like two missile launchers and two Melta guns could work, can move six and fire the krak missiles and as you close in on a target hit it with melta. If your ride gets wrecked early hit some cover and use melta guys as wounds, otherwise try and get them alive and use the missile guys as wounds.

Though only snapshots with the missile launchers from the hatch if you move...seems a bit unoptimal...

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I can't see it being any more effective as having them sit back and use their ranged weaponry. I've used quad-Plasma Havocs in past to average effect, but given the ability to take far better ranged weapons, it seems only sensible to utilise this and man a fortification of some description.

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While I haven't tried them myself, it seems like Chosen could do special weapon spam just as well as Havocs, and without occupying a Heavy slot.

This, but more.


Five vs four specials. Melta or flamers are preferable, mob up in your similarly equipped combi weapon rhino, and wreck a tank/mc/infantry squad and keep the enemy occupied for your autocannon havoks or mauler fiends to do what they do best. Conversely take cipher and infiltrate em with atsknf and cipher support.


If you're taking an infantry heavy list you could do worse than special havoks, but you'll get more bang by taking special chosen, even with the point tax. Truth be told you are better off taking something else entirely, but you gotta love the mayhem a squad with five assault weapons can bring to the table.



Truth be told, you are better off taking something other than either. But you gotta love a squad with five specials, and a combiweapon

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Been there, done that, disliked it. The ranges are too different, the utility of the weapons too diverse and the need for a Rhino mandatory. The only thing that I usually give the Havocs is perhaps a combiflamer to the Aspiring Champion, especially if I know that I will play against someone who likes to sneak up on my autocannon boys. I usually keep two Obliterators or a cultist squad nearby to intercept the hostiles in just such events. 


In the end the special weapon Havocs are useful in Big Guns Never Tire scenario and so far I still find the humble autocannon squad a solid element of our army. I always think that combining weapons dilutes the purpose of a squad making it less effective for the duration of the battle. 

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Lascannons have pretty long range, why even consider that an option when you going to put them in a Rhino?


If its the vision thing i would reccomend putting in the extra points and give them Mark of Tzeentch and swap that Rhino for a Skyshield landing pad, 3+ invulsave should keep them around for a while, unless you want to start multitasking them, than missile/flakk and icon of flame would be an option as well, maybe even slap vets of war on them. 

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