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Death Guard Hello!


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Hello to all,

i am new to Warhammer-Forums (hope you are polite People :-)). I played 40K in the 3./4. Edition with my Death Guard and right now i try to get a grip on the new rules/codex. I was away from the hobby a couple of years, but i cant resist starting up again! My actual List (WYSIWYG) is:



- Lord, Mark of Nurgle, Termi, E-Claw [Will joint Termis]       125


- 6 Terminators, Mark of Nurgle, Kombi-Melter,    221
  Chain-Fist, 2 E-Claws, Heavy-Flammer


- 7 Plague Marines, 2 Melta, 1 E-Fist, Rhino    248
- 7 Plague Marines, 2 Plasma, Rhino        233
- 7 Plague Marines, 2 Plasma, Rhino        233


- Predator, Sync-Lascannon, Lascannon-Sponsors    140

1200 on the dot. (50 Pt. spare [what to ad?])


What do you think about the List? Actuall i strip and re-paint all the Miniatures (test Mini will follow :-))

I think i lack Heavy support and anti arcraft, what to add? (oblits for sure but for AA?)

C&C welcome!

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Hail and well met, as we like to say to new folks.


We're pretty friendly here as a rule, and the moderators and staff here are pretty good about throwing sand on the flames that do pop up every now and again.


50 points on the dot could put an Aegis Line around one of your Plague Marine squads to help them sit on a rear objective. They're pretty useful these days, and the Quad gun will be there when you want to take the points higher. Dead useful against flyers, which can ruin your day if you've got nothing to counter them.

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Welcome back to his embrace - hope you like it here!


Things have changed somewhat since you were last around - so might be worth looking through other higher point lists and comparing to see what's changed.

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Hello Elementz!  I usually post a decent sized unit of plague zombies (Or cultists) on the quad gun. My opponents have a hard time dislodging that many units.  Better yet, if you decide on daemon allies Plague bearers are study behind cover.  The twin link gun helps make your shots, regardless of BS. Definitely get some Oblits with MoN.  Multifunctional and durable.  Chaos termies with green stuff relieves you from paying too much on Oblit models (I don't like the GW models).  I hope this helps!

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Thanks for the nice Repies so far!


@ -Max- I tryed the ADL with the Flak (dont know how the english term ist :-)) at a local GW, stripping one rhino for it and i wasn´t glad wit it. Everything in the list is mobile and i had a sqad of PM just sitting there and no Fliyers arrived (But they scored one objective :-)). So i think the PM´s are better off in their rhino. This way they fit better in the overall idea of an mobile Force.


@ Ultraboy I like the oblits, but on the other hand they are sitting ducks (if not DS) and i dont like the new rule "you cannot use the same weappon in the next turn again"


My thougts so far are, that it would be an idea to ad an vidicator for BS4 template and a heldrake for airsupport what brings me to 1500 points and i just have to invest in 2 new models (everyting else in the List are already in my possession):




- Lord, Mark of Nurgle, Termi, E-Claw 125




- 6 Terminators, Mark of Nurgle, Kombi-Melter, Chain-Fist, 2 E-Claws, Heavy-Flammer 221




- 7 Plague Marines, 2 Melta, 1 E-Fist, Rhino 248

- 7 Plague Marines, 2 Plasma, Rhino 233

- 7 Plague Marines, 2 Plasma, Rhino 233




- Heldrake 170




- Predator, Sync-Lascannon, Lascannon-Sponsors 140

- Vindicator, Dozerblade 130


Total: 1500


Next thing up: i need to organize my Deamon allies, because i cant use my plagebearers and nurglis in the CSM List anymore :-( I want to go for 500 pts. nurgle deamons and i already got the plaguebeareres and the nurglins:




- Herold of Nurgle, Locus of Fedundity, LR 80

- Herold of Nurgle, Locus of Fedundity, LR 80




- 13 Plague Bearer 117

- 13 Plague Bearer 117

- 7 Nurglins 105


Total: 499


iam not sure about the lesser reward, think the points are better investet in combi-meltas on the termies. The idea behind the CSM/deamons combination is on the one Hand nurgle-fluff and the Models i already have and on the other hand the playstile iam used to from 3. ed. - high mobility, and hitting as fast and hard as i can do. So i think the vindicator makes a good ad to the rest of the army, because in turn one ther are 5 "tanks" on the Field and it is difficult to stop them at once. Also i get a S10 AP2 template against hordes and he will mostly be at the same distance to the enemy as the rhinos.The downside is, that one of the rhinos will be killed in latest the 2. turn and will give the opponent firstblood and one killpoint - i dont see how to negate this beside of getting good cover, what is highly depending on the board. The deamons will deepstrike as two groups of 13 Plaguebearers + herold (to give them fnp) they are scooring and hard to kill and hopefully distract the enemy :-) the nurglins are more fluff than anything else, but think 4 attacks and 4 wounds are pretty good (they hat 3/3 long ago). They will deepstrike as well an are no more than distractors - but if i calculated right they get 35 attacks on the charge (with the 7 modells/bases i have) and that seems quite nice! The heldrake are for anti-air and for air-support (have just read the rules on it an d flyers in general and i think it is an good adittion to the list. So whats your thoughts? (beside, after several trys on a new paint sceme i did not come up with something i´am glad with, but i will do some new trys this week and - hopefully - i can show you something decent)


C&C are welcome!

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