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Havoc Box Set

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What comes in the current Havoc box set? Is it only a single Lascannon, Autocannon, Heavy Bolter, and Missile Launcher or do they come in doubles like the Devastator box set does? I've contemplated getting a box but only if it came with doubles of those weapons, however their description on the website does give any information. Also, does the Aspiring Champion come with any upgrades?

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Eh, well that sucks. Buying the Devastator box set might be better, but I'd have to ignore the Plasma Cannons and Multi-Meltas.


Is that the best way to make heavy-weapon Havocs or would it be better to buy the heavy weapons from Forge World and the 5-man Chaos Marine Squad from GW?

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Going Forge World is more expensive, for sure, but depending on how you want to equip your Havocs, it's well worth the investment, so long as you don't mind waiting for them to come through. It's certainly better than dealing with the current Havoc box, imho, which are smaller than the plastics, if memory serves.


If you're itching to get to work or are simply short on the funding, get the Devastators, so long as you don't mind the Imperial-styled equipment in your force.


Ultimately it's up to you whether you choose to go with Forgeworld heavy weapons or not. I don't want you to think I'm pressuring you.

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Eh, well that sucks. Buying the Devastator box set might be better, but I'd have to ignore the Plasma Cannons and Multi-Meltas.


Is that the best way to make heavy-weapon Havocs or would it be better to buy the heavy weapons from Forge World and the 5-man Chaos Marine Squad from GW?


Well that really depends on what you want for our Havocs. I think the Devastator box is a great set, even for chaos. Most of the weapons are accessible for Havocs, and you can easily put the Plasma Cannons and Multi-Meltas on you Obliterators with a little bit of conversion work. However, if you're say looking for an all Autocannon squad, it might be better to just buy one of the Forgeworld sets.

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The 30k legion Autocannon set is a really simple and effective way to get them onto the tabletop - they are usable with standard marine bolter arms. I got my hands on a set of volkite culverns to use as Blastmasters, they look to use the same mounting system as the autocannons and fit just fine. 


Also, they look utterly awesome

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Better going with the devastators. I seen a kid use the havok box units in a game and just cringed as he picked his targets with them.

Heavy bolters can easily be made to look like autocannons (I just stuck a plasticard tube in the barrel)

You could probably get the multimelta to look like an autocannon too. Tubes in the barrels and model in an ammo feed

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There's some effort involved in fitting the legion autocannon ammo packs to the chaos backpacks, straightening the barrels, and getting all the rest to fit the CSM model, but if you have some hobby experience under your belt it's not too bad, and the look pretty nice (not as 'chaosy' as I'd like, but still pretty cool), and they really aren't much more expensive than the GW havocs.  Heck, if you have spare CSM bodies you aren't using, they're considerably cheaper.  plus, not finecast.

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There's some effort involved in fitting the legion autocannon ammo packs to the chaos backpacks, straightening the barrels, and getting all the rest to fit the CSM model, but if you have some hobby experience under your belt it's not too bad, and the look pretty nice (not as 'chaosy' as I'd like, but still pretty cool), and they really aren't much more expensive than the GW havocs.  Heck, if you have spare CSM bodies you aren't using, they're considerably cheaper.  plus, not finecast.


Yeah, barrels will just take a bit or warm water. You can just about get them to fit together just using that, as I did - because they fit reasonably well onto the back of certain loyalist backpacks. 


I'd made my first five from reclaimed models, and will do the same now - will work out nicely! Admittedly, a few things are a snug fit - and you can see where one part may have broken slightly... but they do come together well:



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Yeah, you'll want to make the following adjustments:
1) only use the lower/further out oriented bolter arms.  If you use the ones that are higher/closer to the chest, the belt won't fit to the ammo feed on the gun, as with the far right model above (not that the above model looks bad, but as you can see, chaeron had to do extra conversion work to fit the belt on).  You'll also need to shave the trim off the bottom of the right forearm (the trigger arm).  I don't think the arms you want to use have the spike on the back of the hands, but if they do remove the spike from the back of the left hand.  Removing the spike from the right hand is optional if you want them to match, but the left hand spike will actually get in the way.  Again, though, iirc the arms you want don't have those spikes, anyway.
2) the ammo packs are built to fit FW heresy backpacks, not CSM backpacks, so you'll need to considerably cut down the bottom of the chaos pack (remove lower vents entirely, trim off skull/other details on the bottom section) AND gouge out the fitting hole of the ammo pack (deeper, wider, will need to cuct a small curved indentation on the top of the ammo pack to fit to the round vent in the center back of the CSM pack).  The goal is for the flat surface of the pack facing the torso to be flush with the flat surface of the backpack facing the torso.  You also want the pack to be relatively high up.  Alternatively, order some heresy era backpacks and just convert them to be more chaosy (skulls in place of vents, etc).  Once the pieces fit as they should, fill excess gap with greenstuff.  Do all of this before gluing the backpacks to the torsos.
3) straighten the barrels by softening them in hot water, holding them straight, and putting them into cold water.  May need to do this a couple times.  you'll also want to shave the bottom of the forward grip/targeting part, the part held by the left hands of the models, not the trigger hands.  You want it to be U-shaped on the bottom, not square.
4) Assemble the torsos, then glue the bolter arms to the body, using an autocannon and backpack/ammo belt assemblies to align them.  It may help to use some blue tack or something to hold the backpacks on - you don't want to glue them just yet, but you'll want to note the approximate alignment.  Note that the ammo belt won't align perfectly, don't worry about it, just make sure it's 'close enough'.  I don't recommend gluing the torsos to the legs yet, as the ammo belt restricts posing of the arms relative to the torso, so you may want to adjust the alignment of the torso to the legs after the autocannons are already attached.  Do not aim the autocannon high, and do not use the bolter arms that hold the gun high and close to the chest.
5) soften the ammo belts with hot water, then hold the backpack in position while holding the belt to fit into the slot on the autocannon.  Once it cools, check to make sure everything is fitting right, and if it is, glue the backpack on and the belt to the cannon.  glue upper torso to legs/base, add head, shoulder pads, and so on, and you're done.


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That also works pretty well, though if using it as an autocannon, I'd recommend extending the barrel with a length of copper tube or thin wood dowel, or a barrel from another gun.


Wouldn't plasticard rod be better for that, since you can stick (no pun intended) to using plastic glue for everything that way?


Also great rundown on the FW autocannon process, that's very useful.

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