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Palanquin of Nurgle

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I've been in the process of making a Lord on a Palanquin, but have been wondering whether or not I should/need to put him on a 25mm or 40mm base. I've been thinking it should be a 40mm base partly because Nurgling models and Epidemis (which I don't have) are on a 40mm bases, and because it seems that most (if not every) model with the Bulky rule are on 40mm bases. However, there doesn't seem to be any rule to state he must go on a 40mm base since there's no Chaos Lord on a Palanquin of Nurgle to purchase, but would putting my Lord on a 25mm base be frowned upon and/or would I be disallowed from using him in tournaments with him being on a 25mm base?

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Not only do we have reference that a Palanquin of Nurgle belongs on a 40mm base, but he also has the Very Bulky rule which we have seen is only on models that have a 40mm base at its smallest, like you said. So yes, I do believe that it would be rather frowned upon if you showed up with a model on a base smaller than what it should be. Just my thoughts, hope it helps.

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I've been thinking about converting spacemarine thunderwolf cavalry into chaos lords/sorcs on palanquins myself. Also tempted to use the fantasy nurgle sorcerer on steed model. People generally don't mind if you go bigger but if you go smaller they may object.

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