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Word Bearers Character Names

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Looking to get my project log up and running soon but wanted to introduce it with some nice fluff/background story for my own host.

Whilst I have a lot if ideas, and even parts written up, I am really stuck on names.

Although the Word Bearers do not seem to have one particular existing cultural theme, their names seem to make great use pseudo-religious names.


So that is what I am after and would appreciate suggestions if that flavour and:

Anything evil sounding.

Names of theoretical demons from different cultures and religions.

Evil gods, or ones that are gods of chaos or related to it in some way e.g. Erebus is the son of Chaos in Greek mythology and Set is an Egyptian god of many (typically evil things) including chaos.





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i used to use this back in second ed to name my characters, i no longer have it now but if you can find t to download youd be sorted for names for the next few years, funny, some of the dark angels were in here biggrin.png TRAITORS!!!!

try here as well,%20Devils%20and%20Demons/The%20Routledge%20Dictionary%20of%20Gods,%20Goddesses,%20Devils%20and%20Demons.pdf




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Abaddon, Adramelech, Ahpuch, Ahriman, Amon, Apollyon, Asmodeus, Astaroth, Azazel,

Baalberith, Balaam, Baphomet, Bast, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Beherit, Bile,

Chemosh, Cimeries, Coyote,

Dagon, Damballa, Demogorgon, Diabolus, Dracula,

Emma-O, Euronymous,



Haborym, Hecate,



Lilith, Loki,

Mammon, Mania, Mantus, Marduk, Mastema, Melek Taus (might use this myself actually :D), Mephistopheles, Metztli, Mictian, Midgard, Milcom, Moloch, Mormo,

Naamah, Nergal, Nihasa, Nija,


Pan, Pluto, Proserpine, Pwcca,


Sabazios, Saitan, Sammael, Samnu, Sedit, Sekhmet, Set, Shaitan, Shiva, Supay,

T'an-mo (sounds good, may name my sorcerer that),

Tchort, Tunrida, Typhon,

Yaotzin, Yen-lo-Wang (guess it touches the floor ;) )...  

Names taken from a book by the (in)famous Anton Szandor LaVey.

Some of the names listed have obviously been used by GW allready but I included them anyway for the sake of having a complete list. 

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The problem with that list is that Lavey just gathered names of deities that fit his "misunderstood outcast trickster" vision based on a surface level understanding of dubious scholarship. Some of those figures are female, not all of them are exactly "evil" except as viewed from a Judeo-Christian reinterpretation of them from outside their original context, and there is no coherency since they are skimmed from a myriad of different cultures and time periods, and arguably misappropriated by a demonstrated plagiarist.


I would recommend choosing just one or two sources for uniformity sake, and putting a bit more thought into it than the good "Doktor" did.

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slave if i were that way inclined i'd kiss you. purely because you've given me another book to buy which my better half will think madness is just around the corner and some new names to research! i love this website :D
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The problem with that list is that Lavey just gathered names of deities that fit his "misunderstood outcast trickster" vision based on a surface level understanding of dubious scholarship. Some of those figures are female, not all of them are exactly "evil" except as viewed from a Judeo-Christian reinterpretation of them from outside their original context, and there is no coherency since they are skimmed from a myriad of different cultures and time periods, and arguably misappropriated by a demonstrated plagiarist.


I would recommend choosing just one or two sources for uniformity sake, and putting a bit more thought into it than the good "Doktor" did.

i agree, but it all i had to hand at the time. 

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