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world eaters army advice


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Hi everyone, well im a newb to the gaming side of 40 k always been s painter and after leaving all my other models and moving i have kept my chaos army to build up and start playing with, now i have a fair few but have set a goal to paint n play with.

So atm im aiming to paint theese models to play with and i know the codex aint good but im running rule of cool.

Hq. Terminator lord with dual lightning claws

Elite. 5 possessed

Elite. 5 terminators

Troop. 6 bezerkers

Troop. 6 chaos marines


Now i do have another 5 terminators, 6 bezerkers.5 chosen, 4 marines 20 cultists n lord at my disposal

So what would yous do for a 500 750 lists etc also thinking of making one addition of a helldrake?

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Hi, yeah i wont be playing tournaments or anything serious, just fun games, but do still want my army to have a lil bit of threatening side, i was thinking of having all my guys on the ground and use the helldrake to distract so they might gain some ground


Also would it be viable to run a hq riding a helldrake as a demonic steed

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Well one thing should be a given, a Juggernought Lord with the Axe of Blind Fury, it is he who makes the Khorne armies so fun. With your models you can actually build some decent lists but I would suggest you to invest in a Helldrake and some Obliterators. You would really need to have a Fast Attack and a Heavy Support option in your army. Said that you can also make some hard hitting Khorne terminators since you have a lot of them provided that you give them a transportation in the form of a Land Raider, a nasty terminator lord can go here too. 


As for the troops well cultists are always useful to hold the objectives and since it seems that you have the DV set you can actually make a Helcult formation which will remove the need to babysit your cultists with some Fearless characters. As for the Chosen, load them with Plasma Guns and park them in a Rhino and they should work. The Berzerkers on the other side require some micromanagement when on foot thus you should either have more of them in bigger squads or provide them with a Rhino.


All in all what you need is some transports and your army should work. So to recap:


- Axe of Blind Fury on the Lord

- Land Raider for your terminators (allows them to assault when they deploy)

- Rhinos or numbers for your Berzerkers

- Obliterators for some ranged support (mandatory in the 6th edition) that, or Maulerfiends

- Heldrake

- 2x Cultists and a Helbrute to make them Fearless thus useful to hold the objectives while the rest of your army advances.


I think that would sum it up. But I believe that there are more expert Khornate lords here on B&C than me, they will tell you more. 

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Thanks tenebris i was thinking along those lines of adding some heavy and fast support to it, still got plenty of options tho, i dont wanna build the points up too high yet since i wont be using em all for a while, since i still have a few newb 500 pt games etc to play but can atleast start planning it out properly.
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What's your views on Daemon Engines?  You don't have any now, but they can be pretty useful.  Maulerfiends can move fast and taken in pairs ganging up on a hapless unit can really punk said unit.


Bikers are favored, but Raptors can burn in and dump melta or plasma or flamer templates on stuff.


Don't forget to 'shoot' grenades, either frag (s3 ap- small blast) or krak (s6 ap4).  It's an 8 inch 'shot' and can come in handy and can be better than a standard bolt pistol.

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