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Diorama/Painting station idea - Need help finding civillians

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Well met battle-brothers,


I'm looking into building my own painting/modelling station very different from the citadel offering. I've chosen to build pretty much a big diorama that doubles up as a painting station as well as a nice display piece when not being used.


The theme is quite like the scenes from the film Starship Troopers 1 & 2 where the retrieval boat comes down to rescue the general and whilst it's being embarked one or a few troopers are outside trying to keep the bugs at bay, buying time for the others to escape.


I intend to base it on the something like the Imperial Airbase/Skyshield, the aircraft will likely be an Arvus lighter, two or more Ultramarines will be fending off some unsightly xenos whilst a group of civilians try to board the Arvus. Detail wise it will have dynamic effects and some alien corpses, etc. I fully intend to publish my efforts in here for all to see but I am a bit stuck...


Does anyone know of any good civilian models? What I'm after are those who are running (scared) and boarding vehicles especially but any decent ones can work. Even ww2 kits involving this would be okay as I can greenstuff them. These are Imperial civilians and they can be armed or unarmed. Oh and I'm looking for men, women and children.


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated

Necromunda gangers are quite small, especially teh Juves, a few hand swaps and it looks like some milita and other civilians being protected by the marines.  Perhaps a marine using a civilian (cowering Empire soldier?) as a footstep?

Thanks brothers,


It's not for any comp, my own uses really and I have been steering toward WHFB (like empire free company or mordheim) but I must admit never thought of using juves and just converting them slightly to represent civilians/militia. I think I'll have to scan through the sprues of these models and see what I can use. As for the O scales I did check them out and I see what you mean lol


I'll be starting it soon with any luck so thanks again for your input it has been very helpful

Other minis I could use are some of the LOTR minis, with particular attention to the hobbits as they look like child size versions of the free company and with a head swap here and green stuff there that could work too


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