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LotD Sergeant rules question..


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Just noticed an odd little discrepancy.


The ranged weapons on pg 159 of c:am say you can replace a bolt pistol and or melee weapon for one of the following choices.


On pg 171 for LotD it says the sergeant can take from the ranged list and he may replace his bolter with one of three listed options.


This got me to thinking so I took a look at the tactical entry and its roughly the same as far as the end result goes.


So in order to end up with a sergeant with a pistol and a combi weapon I have to exchange the bolter for a chainsword and then exchange that chainsword for a combi weapon? This seems way to convoluted and very silly.


I always just took it for granted from the last codex that you could exchange the bolter for a combi weapon.


Perhaps it was updated in a digital version? Really doesn't affect my army or how the codex is played it just seems like a poorly written rule.

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You may be over-thinking this process, because It's been this way since 3rd Edition.

But while we're on the subject, don't forget that pistol type weapons are also considered melee weapons in the Assault Phase (read 'Rules', pg 42). This was also true in 6th Edition.

So in a tactical squad the sergeant can swap that bolt pistol for a lighting claw and swap that chainsword for another lighting claw, so you have yourself a pair. Lotd non-withstanding -having their own more-limited list in their unit entry, the options haven't been this extensive for the humble sergeant since late 4th Edition codex.


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A pistol is considered a melee weapon in the "Assault Phase" only, it isn't one at any other time according to the rules. You aren't in the "Assault Phase" when making an army list, so that logic doesn't apply - a pistol can't be used as a melee weapon stand-in based on that rule.
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