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can't decide...

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Hello, first off this my first time posting in the chaos area (me being a pure blooded loyalist.whistlingW.gif ) and i was going to make a small chaos team.(probably never a whole army but more as the extra bits rolled my way.) from the extra mark 7 legs and chaos bits that I can not use for my army. any way I can't decide what legions to do, I have 6 sets of the legs and have decided on 3 of the legions: alpha legion thousand sons and night lords but I can't decide on the other 3. The ones I was thinking were: World Eater, Black Legionary, fallen Dark Angel, Death Guard, (Without Nurgle mutation.) Emperors Children, and perhaps a unknown traitor who just were personal colors. Now to everyone who will vote: you will each get 3 votes and after a total of 16

people voting I will announce the decision. Update: Found an extra pair of mk7 legs so I have done the mystery space marine.

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pure black is hard to get rigth and if you want to mini army , then you probably care for looks . Probably EC , they don't have a set way of being painted or WE if you like to pain a lot of red[you kind of a do play BAs] there are also some nice contrast things you can do with WE , their old armor was white and they still wear parts of those white +gory , if done right , can look very nice.

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My first vote would go to Emperor's Children (obviously) but do have fun painting them and don't limit yourself to the GW pink and black scheme.


Otherwise, what do you really fancy building and painting?

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My first vote would go to Emperor's Children (obviously) but do have fun painting them and don't limit yourself to the GW pink and black scheme.


Otherwise, what do you really fancy building and painting?

Actually if I was going to do a EC I would most likely go with the DoW colour scheme: Black armour with pink detail and shoulder inserts.

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My first vote would go to Emperor's Children (obviously) but do have fun painting them and don't limit yourself to the GW pink and black scheme.


Otherwise, what do you really fancy building and painting?

Actually if I was going to do a EC I would most likely go with the DoW colour scheme: Black armour with pink detail and shoulder inserts.

I'll restrain my views on EC colours ;) Black and pink can look good admittedly.

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My first vote would go to Emperor's Children (obviously) but do have fun painting them and don't limit yourself to the GW pink and black scheme.

Otherwise, what do you really fancy building and painting?

Actually if I was going to do a EC I would most likely go with the DoW colour scheme: Black armour with pink detail and shoulder inserts.

I'll restrain my views on EC colours msn-wink.gif Black and pink can look good admittedly.

Nah I'm curious what do you think they should look like?biggrin.png

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My first vote would go to Emperor's Children (obviously) but do have fun painting them and don't limit yourself to the GW pink and black scheme.

Otherwise, what do you really fancy building and painting?

Actually if I was going to do a EC I would most likely go with the DoW colour scheme: Black armour with pink detail and shoulder inserts.
I'll restrain my views on EC colours msn-wink.gif Black and pink can look good admittedly.
Nah I'm curious what do you think they should look like?biggrin.png

Hit the Divine Flayers image in my signature. Fairly sure I mention it in my WIP thread.

But basically. Slaanesh Marines are likely to be so individualistic that every marine would look different. Especially when it comes to the cult troops and HQs.

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I say go black legion. You can do anything you want with the Black Legion and its still fluffy.


For instance I love the Death Guard and Slaanesh so now I have a BL warband that is made up the 2 factions.

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Gotta' agree with Black Legion due to the freedom of expression you're given with them, but I'm always a bit bias towards the Legion. I picked them for my army many years ago when their fiction and background was still thin, but grew more-and-more happy with the choice as the years past. As it has been said, you can choose to more freely mix-and-match with the Legion and use Black as a secondary colour that ties everything together. Start with a pure Black Legion center formation and add other units aligned to other factions as units to surround the center (as I have done/am doing) or choose a hodge-podge of factions that appeal to you if you want even more freedom.

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I'll second.... third.... whatever.... Black Legion. The most elegant colour scheme + freedom of choice.


My warband has exSons of Horus, exEmperor's Child, exWorld Eater, Fallen Angel (Sorcerer), exNight Lord (Dark Apostle), exWord Bearer (Warpsmith), Slaanesh Daemons, Renegades from different chapters and some cultists/heretics/traitors.... I also want to add Nurgle Sister of Battle but have no idea how to convert her yet. Oh, and FW Skin Wolves used as.... Wulfen fallen to Khorne count as Spawn? Nevermind. I can do pretty much anything and still be fluffy.

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I just hope that everybody gets that I am doing a wardand in which all the marine will were their old colours and have a symbol to denote them as part of this warband.biggrin.png

Then to me, like your Blood Hounds, your Warband could be a DIY one smile.png You could have them both as antagonists. The warband could have elements of any/all of the aforementioned factions or similar and you wouldn't have to worry too much about canon conflicts.
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  • 1 month later...

Alpha Legion are awesome!

I personally love the Word Bearers too. They are my army of choice so I guess I am biased but they do look so cool with painted, white script all over their crimson armour.

Finally, I would say Emperors Children - the bright colours will make a nice contrast.

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I just hope that everybody gets that I am doing a wardand in which all the marine will were their old colours and have a symbol to denote them as part of this warband.biggrin.png

If this is what you want, why not Red Corsairs? In old publications you could always see CSM with their old colors mixed with crossed out or defiled loyalist symbols on their armor.

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I am biased, so I am voting for Thousand Sons and Alpha Legion.

For my third vote -and considering you wanting to use some loyalist left overs- have you considered Red Corsairs ?

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thanks for all the reply's guys! now here is the current board:                             Iron warriors:2 blood gorgons:1 death guard:1 emperors children:5 world eaters:2 alpha legion:4 thousand sons:2 black legion:5 word bearers:3 Red Corsairs:2

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thanks for all the reply's guys! now here is the current board:                            Iron warriors:3 blood gorgons:1 death guard:1 emperors children:5 world eaters:2 alpha legion:4 thousand sons:2 black legion:5 word bearers:3 Red Corsairs:2

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