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Converted Thunderfires.

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So, I'm planning on using 2 Thunderfire Cannon for my Sons of Medusa project but at £36 per gun that's steep for identical models with little flare. So I'm in the looking to make my own. The idea I had was to use Hunter turrets on Rapier Laser platforms but not sure if the turret will fit? I know that Razorback/Whirlwind turrets do, just not sure on the dimensions of the Hunter top piece. 


Any one of you kind people with a Hunter know if this would be workable? 

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Hey man, I can't be of any help with the Hunter unfortunately, but wondered if you'd checked out Mantic's Forgefather range? The Hailstorm cannon is actually pretty decent as a Thunderfire counts-as. These are mine undercoated and dry-fit (hence the one on the left looking a bit ramshackle) with the only significant conversion work being to add plasticard tubing onto the gun barrels to make them look like they fire bigger-bore shells.



I used FW Quadcannons from the more "thudgun" feel.


Hmm, I hadn't thought of that, I'll go have a ganders.


Hey man, I can't be of any help with the Hunter unfortunately, but wondered if you'd checked out Mantic's Forgefather range? The Hailstorm cannon is actually pretty decent as a Thunderfire counts-as. These are mine undercoated and dry-fit (hence the one on the left looking a bit ramshackle) with the only significant conversion work being to add plasticard tubing onto the gun barrels to make them look like they fire bigger-bore shells.


Those are some seriously good looking guns, pretty spot on for the idea I had, I'm very very new to all this plasticard and greenstuff business, what thickness tubes did you use? 


Anvil Industry has something that will work.


I'll go check that out, brother, thank you.

I'll measure and get back to you mate, they were part of an 'all-sorts' pack of plasticard tubing Gale Force 9 does with all different lengths and dimensions - I'm sure you'll find it easily in a store. Will measure so you know which ones exactly though.


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