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Cyclone Missile Launchers

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I know that right now not too many people are playing terminators but I came into a large number of CML kits and was wondering:  How many CMLs would you take if you had as many as you wanted to use?


With the meta shifts are they going to be a good selection again?


I think I may have this in the wrong section.  If someone would be so kind as to move for me.  Thanks  Sorry about the error. You can send the Sisters of Silence to flog me later.

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Certainly, in pure DA Deathwing armies, CMLs tend to be the primary heavy weapon taken, and SW WolfGuardWing armies will want to take them too if only taking TDA.


In these cases, the CML can be their only anti-aircraft firepower, paying the extra points for Flakk. 

I am using them in my Red Wolves chapter that uses the Space Wolves rules and models.  Overall I have 6 CMLs I was thinking about reselling some of them but it sounds like it would be worth while to magnetize them all and have them available.  I went a little crazy buying Black Reach Terminators because I got a great deal on them about $1 U.S. each so I ended up with something like 45 of them when I added in the Space Wolves termies I already had.  I have 12 painted up only 30 or so more to go before I do characters.  Although I am looking at giving myself and every 10 standard termies completed reward = doing a character model.   Anyway thanks for the info guys.

Grey Mage, since you also play Space Wolves.  What else to you load out your TDA WG with?  I have magnetized mine so I can do all of the options.  I just don't play much for lack of opportunity so I don't know what works well.




1000heathens, do you have anything modeled up for that?  Post if you do.


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