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clarification on game turn versus player turn


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Hi there


I'm asking this question because I'm wondering about what the rule book says about victory conditions.


"If at the end of any game turn, one player has no models on the battlefield, his opponent automatically wins.


I understand if right at the end of a turn you have nothing on the board you lose.


But can I start my whole army( I'm thinking deathwing assault) in reserve and deepstrike everything onto the board in my first turn.

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Yup a game turn- which is also any turn not specified as 'player turn' will have a movement phase for each player, a shooting phase and an assault phase. So yes, if you have a way to come in turn one, such a DWA or DPs, you can use them to legally be on the field before you would auto-lose.

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A Game turn is a turn where both players act. A player turn (usually just called turn in the rulebook) is the movement, shooting and assault phase of one player.


If you go first in the game, you lose, if you have no models on the table after the opponent has acted his player turn. If you go second, you loose if no models arrrive on the first game turn. You would also lose if the opponent removed all the models that had arrived in Turn 1 in Game Turn 2 and no new models arrived on your player turn during that Game Turn


AFAIK Deathwing Terminators are not required to start in reserve, as such the 50% rule applies to them. In 6th edition you are pretty restricted in how you can achieve an army that is allowed to completely be in reserves.

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