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Wow lamby. Your stuff is really coming along. Rare to see so much milliput use too.

Thanks - the dark green is pure Greenstuff, the paler green is GS and milliput


This is awesome! Where's that head from on the ax-wielder? 

Thanks - I think it's from the Chaos Lord on the Manticore?






What he said.



which brand of crackle did you use? ive not had results as good as that !

Tim Holtz Ranger Ink - it's fickle like all crackle - that was the third attempt to get it right.

Ok. I really need to try mixing my modelling putties. Hear good things about doing it.

I use 50/50 GS/milliput (yellow) - the mix sets harder than plain GS, and it sand really well.


The use of the crackle paint medium is brilliant. I think I might have steal that :tongue.:


Good luck with the crackle - it has a mind of its own...



Ok. I really need to try mixing my modelling putties. Hear good things about doing it.

I use 50/50 GS/milliput (yellow) - the mix sets harder than plain GS, and it sand really well.

Will have to try it as I like how hard milliput sets but it's terrible to sculpt with.

  • 2 weeks later...
Over in my Inqu][sitor blog, the Swordsman Inigo 'Scarface' Montoya is finished and based but I need daylight to photograph him properly... tomorrow, I swear!!!


So meanwhile, the new Wretched Sons Astartes with the working title of Hatchet went from this:


To this:

  • 2 weeks later...
So, Hatchet moves along slowly:
- Press-copied the forearm of the Chaos Knight's arm
- The original RH arm will be wielding the chain-axe - it was going to be a hatchet but I found this left over Cataphractii ax and it's too cool not to use
- Completely managed to destroy the plasma pistol and hand I was going to use, thought I'd see what a bolter looked like but this one isn't cool enough, so it'll either be a plasma pistol (when I can source one) or a newer bolter with the hanging strap

... However, moments later, Hatchet is back to carrying a hatchet/ax instead of the chain-axe, because the chain-axe was too big for the way the right arm hangs... and I just realised the right arm isn't in these pics, so instead, here's the left forearm made by press-molding the right arm:


Hatchet is all but completed, only shoulder pads - one of them stupidly complicated (why? WHY?)  - and some minor detailing like knives and pouches to go!

- I re-aligned the arm as it was drooping a bit, added the plasma pistol hand, and filled in the gaps with GS, a bit of sanding to blend and this arm will be done:


Then Hatchet had a his ab-plate attached, and his hatchet arm added, and a small ridge to the rim of the torso - all these Wretched Sons are going to have different armour styles, and nothing too ostentacious since the crackle paint job (go back and look at Zamael the Helbrute) tends to eliminate spurious detail... 


And here's the shoulder pauldrons - the doctored Chaos pad is a little fiddly, but the WoC Knights pad with the GS pad almost defeated me!


Thanks for looking!

Edited by lamby
Meanwhile, finished off positioning Hatchet's shoulder pads, realised after taking these pics I'd forgotten to put his backpack on... Also, yes: his head is lopsided (not glued in yet for painting):

Random question: should I drill out the plasma pistol barrels?



Hatchet looks Great and yes drill out the barrel.


- Barrel drilled!


Love the backstory for these guys. Zamael is amazing, and that's probably the most thorough helbrute conversion I've seen.


- Zamael nearly broke me, both the modelling and the painting - 3 attempts! to get the final effect - but he was worth it!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

*Moved from my Inqu][sitor blog...


Something new to knock the cobwebs off the skills: another Wretched Sons true-scale Marine... with a difference:

Recognise anything in this pile of bitz?
First up - let's mod those awful split toe-hoof thingies...
Next, get rid of the ugly triple shoulder armour:
And start work on some new armour for the tenta-shoulder:
And now...
Sliced off whatever that ugly face was on the left rear hip:
Added the pouch (cos even dudes with tentacles need places to put stuff...):
Press-copied the gripping tentacle part:
If you hadn't picked it up from the 'tease' image earlier, the main 'arm' tentacle will be holding a bolter - hence the press-copy of the gripper... so after some minor gun mods...
Pinned and glued it into position - unfortunately, the GS and milliput didn't mix very well (lazy mixing on my behalf) and was crumbling as I drilled it, so I had to cut away a lot of the tentacle part and super-glue the b-jebus out of it to make it solid, hence the ugly bits:
And then sculpted the remainder of the tentacle:
It's pretty rough for now, but once it dries I'll sand it into shape and smoothness:
While sculpting the tentacle I noticed the old style bolter (from Forge World) was really plain and dull, so it requires some detailing next, and even this servant of Nurgle needs a power-pack for the remnants of his armour - so still plenty to do...
Thanks for looking!:wink:

WOW !!!!:thumbsup:






Thanks All!
Quick update pic of the sanded and smoothed new tentacle, with the whole body in place:
And the back - with the current backpack idea - any thoughts?
Thanks for looking!
Edited by lamby
  • 4 weeks later...
And then - back to Gutrot...

Sprayed primer on those hard-to-get-to parts and what the Hell, glued him together and then went all the way and slapped the modified power-unit and cables onto him:


You get a better appreciation of the bulked out bolter now he's a whole body, not just a tentacled skeleton: 


He needs a bit of green-stuff clean-up to smooth out the gaps in the skin created by my tampering with knife and file.


Holidays are great for hobby time yay!!!


If you have a hankering for some non-GW stuff, check out my blog The Dying Ground (link in signature block below).


Thanks for looking!
  • 2 weeks later...


Gutrot progressing as well - 
- GS work on the skin
- Need to fix the lowest tentacle join
- Added some bulk to the helmet
- Position the main tentacle armour pad as well
- mmm, note to self - remove strap next to the tabard, it's ruining the flow of the model
Merry Christmas all!


Turned Gutrot's axe into a power axe - with added backswing buzz-saw!
Also got rid of that other ugly head, the one on the right hip, and replaced it with an armour piece - also cut the two straps away, they were interrupting the model's feng shui...
Happy New Year!
Edited by lamby

GS work on Gutrot continues slowly - fixed the skin-to-tentacle transition on the tentacle gripping the axe, and rebuilt his right pectoral, since without it he looked a little sunken-chested:


Thanks for looking!
Edited by lamby

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