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Shaping up very nicelly .



Had to repair the handle for Gutrot's axe after a section broke off (dammit!):

And made the strap to go under the tentacle 'shoulder' armour:
Thanks for looking!
  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This thread is absolutely inspiring. You combine modelling skills, creativity and brilliant weathering techniques. I am eager to see more. :smile.:

Thanks Nightpaw!


Gutrot is looks outstanding!

Thanks Hushrong!


I really like what you did with the shoulderpad and the backpack.

A nurgle-lord with a thought through tech look, you don´t see that very (or that well built.)

Nice! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Thanks LordVelype!



Meanwhile, something new and wicked this way comes...
Not sure if this is a Wretched Sons deamonette or a stand-alone piece - we'll see :wink:
Edited by lamby
  • 7 months later...

The paintjob looks rather nice, looking forward to seeing more, especially that heavy mutated Gutrot

Thanks DarkVen - new Sons tomorrow!


Wow the cracked paint looks great! Looking forward to seeing Hatchet painted too!

Thanks Vairocanum - Hatchet is up on my blog The Dying Ground, I'll post him here tomorrow.


Hey Lamby, the painted Son is looking epic. What recipe did you use?

Thanks Capt Jack.


It's a variation of the paintjob on Zamael the Helbrute - the main difference is I didn't use salt for chipping, and didn't use a spraygun, it was all done with brushes.


- To give credit where it is due - None of this is my idea either, check out the Mariner's Blight Extreme-corrosion tutorial from Eye of Error


I tend to paint in a bit of a frenzy, dipping into colors here and there and going back and forth a lot, but the basic recipe is:


- GW Chaos Black spray, then GW White from above for zenithal shading

- Vallejo (VJ) Rust and VJ Orange all over (except for the heads - I kept those seperate.)

- Drybrush GW Ryza Rust randomly all over

- Gloss spray layer

- VJ Pale Green, 2 thin layers, not too carefully

- Used Isopropyl alcohol and an old brush to 'chip and wear' the green layer away on edges and at random

- Dabbed on green Tim Holtz Ranger Distress Crackle paint - unfortunately they don't make this anymore :sad.:

- Let it dry and crackle

- Wash all over, mostly in the shadows using VJ Amethyst (purple)

- Another gloss spray

- Brown oil wash - let it dry for 2 days!

- Then back and forth a lot, using VJ Rust and VJ Orange to brighten some areas of rust - also went back in here and there with VJ Pale Green

- Some more dry-brushing Ryza Rust a little, also dry-brushed GW Boltgun to get rusty silvers/steels

- Gold was done using VJ Glorious Gold mixed 50/50 with GW Mithril Silver - the golds were later shaded with Liche Purple and VJ Armour Brown washes

- Skulls and pelt were done using VJ Sand, also shaded with Liche Purple, highlighted with White

- Woods and leather are done with VJ Armour Brown, highlighted with VJ Sand and washed with Armour Brown again

- Skin was courtesy of Reaper Mouldy Skin, washed with VJ Algae (that's the blue tint) then wet-blend highlighted using the Ben Komet’s ‘loaded brush’ technique with Reaper Ghoul Skin and Reaper Bloodless Skin, lastly some pin-washes with Liche Purple for final shades

Edited by lamby

all your models are amazing ... love the amount of converting you do to all of them. Gutrot is probably my favorite and im looking forward to seeing him finished/painted 


Thanks Sagentus... and here's your wish granted!


Boom - Gutrot 40k!

- The tentacles were started similarly to the skin, then glazed with GW Liche Purple - which was too dark, so re-glazed with a Liche Purple/White mix - which was too pink, so in frustration I went back over them with the original Mouldy Skin watered down a little, wet-blended the highlights in the upper sides with the Ghoul and Bloodless Skin -  accidentally added some stripes and liked them, so added some more, then on a whim lightly glazed the ends with Pale Green and used Algae wash to blend the body-to-tentacles transitions... yes, those tentacles were very complicated!
  • 3 months later...

Thats is spot on ... really like the texture of the armor. Certainly looks like what i would envisage plague marines to look like, great work :biggrin.:   


Thanks Sagentus! 

- So much fun to paint!




Thanks LordVelype!


Oh man. I gotta say, that angled power pack attached to the one shoulder is absolutely brilliant, and the paint scheme is beautiful. Looking forward to seeing more!

Thanks drakzilla!


Wow Hatchet and Gutrot are fantastic! The skin tones look great!

Thanks Vairocanum!

- The skin tones are actually the easiest thing to paint on these... except those fething tentacles!!!


Somehow this helmet always looks so ...friendly! :biggrin.:

Haha - he's a soft-hearted Chaos marine :wink:






Chaotic beginnings of a new Wretched Son...

Stuck in a bit of a rut in regards to where to go with a few other models like the Hard Girl and the Rogue Trader dropship, it was time for a new Wretched Son to emerge from the radioactive wastes of Isstvan III.
The less I worry about a tidy workspace the more my creative side takes over - so I mostly start a new mini like this:
These are the last set of true-scale legs I made over 5 years ago now - I call this style the Migsula pattern:
Whacked a Blightking torso on the legs - And the result was this:
Let's see where this goes...
So with the body attached to legs, decided on a whim to add a crude exo-mechanic to one leg:
Fiddled with the right arm for ages, had to resort to custom-fitting the fore-arm, needs GS sculpting to get the taper from elbow join to wrist... though I might add some smaller exo-mechanics to add to the story of battle damage to that side of his body:
Here's the other side - I'm really liking this bolter with the cool strap:
Half-tilt on the bolter angle for added gangster:
Also in this pic you can see the final parts selected, with the typical Wretched Sons right shoulder-pad, the slightly Chaos-i-fied backpack, the left shoulder pad awaiting modification, the sheathed Old School Chaos scimitar and the three-piece left arm: Terminator upper, Stormcast forearm and Grey Knight terminator open hand.
Thanks for looking!
Edited by lamby

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