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Dreadknights, how to...


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Hi Grey Knights People,

Not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I am seeking your collective wisdom on Dreadknights. I have not had huge luck with them, and wonder if anyone who has had success could share their experience on how to use them well. I am going to a tournament in June and am thinking of bringing three in a 1850 point list. Due to points and modelling they will have Heavy Incinerators as their only ranged weapon (teleporters as well obviously).

Any experience, anecdotes etc muchly welcomed. thanks.gif

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My dad runs 3 dreadknights. He finds them more effective when fielded in mass.


He's also ran 2 knights and 3 twin cannon dreads. Makes it hard for the enemy to focus. They might go after the dreadknights, but then that leads the noughts free to tear into people, or vice versa.


I've also seen him run forge world land raiders like the achilles (through allies,) and flyers.


Basically, the philosophy is this. If you're going to play with big things, make sure you have enough big things to make sure  your big stuff isn't focused.


That being said, we play 3,000 point games standard. Grey Knights are one of those armies that it can be hard to play with at 1,500 point lvls seeing as their stuff is so expensive.



As expensive as it is, take the teleporter. Get in the enemies face turn 1, and go all out. Dreadknights are offensive, but can die to anti terminator weapons quickly. So just go all in offensive.

>year old thread

I think it's fine we start a new one :)


Okay, so, Dreadknights for beginners;


Step 1: Buy greatsword and teleporter

Step 2 (optional) Buy heavy incinerator

Step 3: Shunt up a flank, hopefully into decent cover to hide from the enemy gunline

Step 4: Jump pack into their lines, start eating units


If you have a Grandmaster, you can also give him Outflank (Scout is dead this edition thanks to servo-skulls), which doesn't mean you don't purchase the teleporter, because he's still too slow without one. 


Generally speaking, 1-2 is all you really can afford most of the time. They're basically the price of a Strike squad each, but give up scoring and wounds for melee insanity and mobility. Don't be afraid to get aggressive, 2+ armour is rare on MC's and besides plasma there isn't a lot of ranged AP2 in lists these days (most people are going the autocannon spam route of anti-vehicle firepower). You can even roflcopter through Tau gunlines, because Riptides usually can't kill a DK before it catches them in melee (Missilesides just plink off your armour, he has to usually use Crisis or multiple units to kill it). 

What's changed though?  Nothing really.


PT or footslog.  H Incinerator is best shooting Weapon.  Greatsword is great if you have the points for it.




Nothing has been FAQed or Erratad that would effect our NDK or how it performs, in the last year.

The meta has changed significantly. We need our DK's now, there is simply too many irritating MC's, heavy armour or problematic units that require him. PsyDreads don't cut it anymore, and Purgators have always been sub-par. 

Our Dreads have been dead since the start of 6th really.  Hull Points killed them and Fortitude isn't really relevant.


Everything else can be solved just like we solve any problems.


With mass Psycannons! :P


The most useful weapon in the entire game! ;)


Don't do it!  The Ven Dreads are a trap.


If you want Dreads and three NDK, either talk to your opponents about using dual FoC, or ally in some other Marines Dreads.


But don't waste the points on our Vens!

Seconded. We pay an absurd amount of points for WS5/BS5, eat an Elite slot, and 'Venerable' means precisely jack when everyone is glancing you to death. Even PsyDreads in Heavy are subpar this edition. 


Dreads in general are in a world of pain. They can't come in squadrons, they can't compete with other armies Elite choices, they barely threaten Troops these days. It's really quite sad. 

  • 3 weeks later...


Ok, so I have not used my 3xDreadknights and 2xPsyfleman Ven Dread list twice; won both; and in both the Ven Dreads did stealing service. So, I will have to most humble put forward the claim that Psyfleman Ven Dreads do have a use still. 

Battle reports?


Ok, so I have not used my 3xDreadknights and 2xPsyfleman Ven Dread list twice; won both; and in both the Ven Dreads did stealing service. So, I will have to most humble put forward the claim that Psyfleman Ven Dreads do have a use still.


I assulted a squad of Pathfinders (in a crater) with a GKGM.


The GKGM got gun butted to death.


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