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Robs Raptors - New Pics Pg2 (Knight & THSS Termies)


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I've been painting a Raptors army over the last few months and I'm currently sat at around 2k points of painted models. Now that I've started putting the finishing touches onto all of them I've decided I'll keep a journal and update it with pictures as I take them.


Let's start with some Terminators.





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I like the green color....how did you make those sternguard? I know one is fine cast how were the others built


2 are finecast. The Sergeant with the fist and the pointing guy. Just added some extra pouches to each of them.


The others are made out of the new Tactical and Sternguard boxes. Just tactical squad legs with Sternguard bodies. The guy with no helmet is just a Tac marine but I did such a nice job on his face that he got a promotion.

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Stunning! You've really captured the practical, subdued nature of the Raptors with that scheme. I wish I had the skill and/or patience for that kind of quality...


The irony being that it's actually really quick to paint these guys.


Base coat with Castellan green, a quick highlight with Vallejo Dark Green.

Paint the Aquilas with Pallid Wych Flesh as well as any skulls, scrolls, or purity seals.

Wash the entire model with Agrax and wait for it to dry.

Then paint Badger Minitaire Raven Black (It's amazing as it's not quite black so can take a shade) into the rubber joints, bolt gun, pouches etc.

Wash black areas with Nuln Oil.

Next paint the brass areas (laurels, shell casings, any "metal" details) with Vallejo Bright Brass.

Wash Brass with Druchi Violet.


You should now pretty much have a marine to tabletop standard.


Get some Vallejo US Light Grey (which is secretly light green) on a bit of sponge.

Weather the armour plates with the sponge paying attention to the edges of armour plates (fake edge highlighting).

Next sponge some Vallejo Steel lightly onto the areas you just weathered.


Paint Purity Seal "Seal" with Mephiston Red. Wash with Agrax.


Then it's a case of dusting some weathering powders over their feet and basing them and applying decals. Coat of matte varnish and you're done.


I can knock out a Tac squad in a night to tabletop standard (and with this army often had to for a weekly campaign) and then it's another night to finish them up. About an hour per model at most.


Terminators took longer because they were a centrepiece unit but I essentially followed the method above for most of the army (only change for vehicles is to use Vallejo Hull Red for the first sponge stage).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sadly I was ill for a few weeks and not able to get the last of the pictures online. However I'm all better now so here they are...





















The Rhino can convert into a Razorback just by changing the top hatch. The Predator is also magnetized so it can be a Rhino or Razorback if needed. All of the storm bolters are interchangeable with normal hatches etc. There is a lot of flexibility in all the vehicles except for the Razorback which due to being quite old will forever be a Razorback.


I also have a Heavy Bolter and 2 Lascannon turrets for the Razorbacks if needed.


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