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Lord on Helldrake.... how to make it work


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Hello brothers,

Ive been toying with a idea of making a lord riding a helldrake...


Now wondering how to make it viable.... as im a newb gamer im not sure how to score it etc... like could it be a lord with a demonic steed, not sure how to work it out but i figure with the helldrakes pose it looks like it should be ridden,

Either way the idea of a lord zooming round the field on the back of a helldrake is exciting.

What does everyone think....any advice muchly appreciated

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Give the lord a disk of tzeentch, fly him around next to the drake.


Or disk + burning brand is a small flying thing that shoots fire. Pseudo drake?


Or use DP rules to represent the combined model of PA dude on top of smaller mechanical dragon.

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I think Xenith hit the nail on the head with the disk and brand.

Can't wait to see how it looks when  you get him built.


Also I may now have to buy a Blood Throne so I can have a Bloodletter riding a drake....my wallet demands vengeance.

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Yeah cheers for the input guys very helpful, i surely will post it up once donen yes i did see the chaos night riding the manticore which is where i got the idea, and although i have seen peoples thoughts on its pose, i think it will look quite suited to carrying a rider.

Plus i hadnt thought of a dp on it so i will suss that option out too

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I would just use it as a Heldrake. Those Swoop attacks are mean enough that they could represent your Lord, and just give your Lord a big flamer and have that count-as the baleflamer.
That thing is huge, and I mean, my Lord on Jetbike with an underslung flamer 'count-as' a Lord on Disc. Having the drake count-as a Disc is a bit like mounting your lord on the roof of a Rhino and saying the rhino count-as a bike. The size is so off it can seriously affect game-play.


Also, to be honest. What difference would a lone marine riding on top of the dragon-with-jet-engines soaring high up in the sky do to the battle? It's not like you would ever go into hover move, which means he will just be holding on for dear life for the entirety of the battle anyway.

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Homebrew or make it collectors piece only.

I mostly agree with this. If you try too hard to wedge it into existing rules there is the distinct possibilty of ending up with something unsatisfying your original inspiration and confusing anybody you play against. I would stick a rider on a Heldrake (or similar winged beast of appeoximate size) and call it a Heldrake, or make a wholly new model with no regard for the game and keep it as a display piece, maybe giving it rules for experimental/casual play.

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