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Facing the new guard


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Aye, but the meta will be shifting if and when Russes and Knights get more popular.


True enough, but they currently are not. Also the first thing people are doing at events with AM are blob squads, that seems to be all the rage, so there probably will be plenty of time to hang around. Even if people go heavy into anti armor builds that will leave them weaker vs heavy infantry builds. Two Russ' does not a game win or lose.

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I think that the Wyvern is going to be disruptive at first, especially for armies which rely on inexpensive and weak scoring units, such as chaos cultists.  Who knows, maybe we'll have to start using units with 3+ saves in rhinos... wonder where we could get those.

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I think that the Wyvern is going to be disruptive at first, especially for armies which rely on inexpensive and weak scoring units, such as chaos cultists.  Who knows, maybe we'll have to start using units with 3+ saves in rhinos... wonder where we could get those.


Maybe there's a Chaos codex coming with some space marines, or maybe allies?  My codex only has Cultists as scoring units.



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If there is one thing I really feel the need to gripe about for the guard, it's the orders. Who's :cussing idea was it to give every guard in a squad precision shot at the simplest order? I mean seriously? I can understand maybe if it were on 6s like with Characters but automatically? They can just dissect a frigging Chaos Marine Squad and shoot out all its teeth before it can even get in combat.
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If there is one thing I really feel the need to gripe about for the guard, it's the orders. Who's :cussing idea was it to give every guard in a squad precision shot at the simplest order? I mean seriously? I can understand maybe if it were on 6s like with Characters but automatically? They can just dissect a frigging Chaos Marine Squad and shoot out all its teeth before it can even get in combat.

Orders just full stop.... I mean are you telling me gaurd officers are better at the leading/directing/whatever gives gaurd their magic power boosts then autarchs, marine captains, chaos lords ect... it's an idea that essentially gives them an advantage for no downside, and from the sounds of it has just got even more fun to face.

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That doesn't sound right, precision shots are only precision on a 6 (aren't they?!).

Yes, the order gives them precision shot per the USR. So they still need 6s to hit, every hit will not be a precise shot.

Except Precision Shot isn't actually a USR (Way to go GW rolleyes.gif ). See the (locked) discussion in the Official Rules section for more, but I suggest we drop it otherwise.


Edit: link added

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If there is one thing I really feel the need to gripe about for the guard, it's the orders. Who's :cussing idea was it to give every guard in a squad precision shot at the simplest order? I mean seriously? I can understand maybe if it were on 6s like with Characters but automatically? They can just dissect a frigging Chaos Marine Squad and shoot out all its teeth before it can even get in combat.

Orders just full stop.... I mean are you telling me gaurd officers are better at the leading/directing/whatever gives gaurd their magic power boosts then autarchs, marine captains, chaos lords ect... it's an idea that essentially gives them an advantage for no downside, and from the sounds of it has just got even more fun to face.


Only Chaos gets rules with downsides for no appreciable gain. Its fluffy...


My friend and I actually laughed when we saw there was no way to avoid the power scourge rule, we had to double check to find the hidden flaw.


EDIT: And no, I wont take marines as troops, if anything I'll just add more cultists, but with 1 cultist, 2 fearless cultists (helcult), and 2+ Daemons...I'm fine.

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That doesn't sound right, precision shots are only precision on a 6 (aren't they?!).

Yes, the order gives them precision shot per the USR. So they still need 6s to hit, every hit will not be a precise shot.

Except Precision Shot isn't actually a USR (Way to go GW rolleyes.gif ). See the (locked) discussion in the Official Rules section for more, but I suggest we drop it otherwise.


Edit: link added

Ahh, stop talking about it after you get the last word. . . Nice.

Actually it is pretty simple. Just read the rule in the hard copy of the AM Codex.

"Take Aim!"

"The ordered unit must make a shooting attack. When resolving this shooting attack, all models in the ordered unit have the Precision Shot special rule."

Go to the Index in the BRB and there is only one page that Precision Shot is mentioned. 63.

"Precision Shots"

"If any of your character's shots roll 6 To Hit, these are Precision Shots. Wounds from Precision Shots are allocated against a model (or models) of your choice in the target unit, as long as it is in range, rather than following the normal rules for Wound allocation."

This being the ONLY source of the rule in the entire BRB, this is how you would resolve it.


Bah, went to the link to add in and it was closed a while ago :P

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Aye, but the meta will be shifting if and when Russes and Knights get more popular.


True enough, but they currently are not. Also the first thing people are doing at events with AM are blob squads, that seems to be all the rage, so there probably will be plenty of time to hang around. Even if people go heavy into anti armor builds that will leave them weaker vs heavy infantry builds. Two Russ' does not a game win or lose.

blob guards run 2-3 russes too and chimeras and there are the IG+knigth builds. IMO if people are testing for bigger events ,for smaller you more or less know what everyone will be playing , unless they somehow stealth bought an army online and hid it . which may be possible for younger man , but not for man of normal age [stealth buy army => wife aggro=> all wifes know each other=>your wifes starts to prod you , if you didn't "accidently" go and stealth bought an army yourself] .

And it is not like av13+ weren't played before [didn't Morticon place high with a high AV list ?] . DA had their dakka build , BA had their av13 walls . Sure those weren't the "50% of all armies play it" armies , but they still were there . Now that Russes are back people should be testing/rebuilding their armies a bit.




This being the ONLY source of the rule in the entire BRB, this is  how you would resolve it.

And unless [and this is already bordering on RAI/house rule] the unit is made of characters getting the rules doesn't do much for them . But it is not like GW never made rules that not only make no sense[that could be acceptable] , but also crash the game .

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blob guards run 2-3 russes too and chimeras and there are the IG+knigth builds. IMO if people are testing for bigger events ,for smaller you more or less know what everyone will be playing , unless they somehow stealth bought an army online and hid it . which may be possible for younger man , but not for man of normal age [stealth buy army => wife aggro=> all wifes know each other=>your wifes starts to prod you , if you didn't "accidently" go and stealth bought an army yourself] .

And it is not like av13+ weren't played before [didn't Morticon place high with a high AV list ?] . DA had their dakka build , BA had their av13 walls . Sure those weren't the "50% of all armies play it" armies , but they still were there . Now that Russes are back people should be testing/rebuilding their armies a bit.


LMAO true enough. I am not saying people will run all armor, I am just saying that having a few Russ' is pretty decent as an ally. I have my first game with them as an ally this afternoon so we will see how it turns out for me. What I like about AM being an ally is I can add a but ton of scoring units from just one Troop Choice, CSM have such weak troop choices (worst out of the 6th edition books by far) that when I ally with Daemons it is more for their Troop choices than anything else. AM gives me another option now, I can add in 30-40 bodies for a very low points cost and use them in many different ways. The Russ' are there just because I like Tank Commanders, but I would not think about playing it if I did not think it can work :P



And unless [and this is already bordering on RAI/house rule] the unit is made of characters getting the rules doesn't do much for them . But it is not like GW never made rules that not only make no sense[that could be acceptable] , but also crash the game .


True enough, I do see that argument though I disagree with it. I will keep it on that thread once it opens back up :P

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More than ever, cover denying stuff is the order of the day. Noise marines in rhinos/infiltrating into cover to remove the 'go to ground/get back in the fight' behind an aegis...


Also, were basic russes side armour 13 i nthe last codex? I thought they were 14/12/10, and the Demo was 14/13/11? The simple russ is now 14/13/10... madness.

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More than ever, cover denying stuff is the order of the day. Noise marines in rhinos/infiltrating into cover to remove the 'go to ground/get back in the fight' behind an aegis...


Also, were basic russes side armour 13 i nthe last codex? I thought they were 14/12/10, and the Demo was 14/13/11? The simple russ is now 14/13/10... madness.

Yep, always side 13. Only difference was half the variants had back armor 11, half had back armor 10.

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Played that list today and had a victory on turn 6 when he called it. He had four models left when it was done and the only units I lost were my Obliterators (Sorcerer was still alive though, just lost the unit he was running with), the Platoon Command Squad, and a unit of Cultists ran off the board after taking 3 casualties (nothing new there. . .).



Got some bad pics, but will post up a battle report tomorrow.

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