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Third party Jungle bases

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I am currently trying to find jungle bases for my pre heresy death guard.  So does anyone have any ideas on any third parties bases or a good tutorial for a custom bases?  thanks for your time.  


Looking for something like these pics


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I have some of these in the fantasy variety. I like those in particular because they have small animals on them and the I like the roots on them, casting quality is also pretty good. Thanks to the Lizardmen there is a variety of choices though.

If you have some flock and are willing to invest in some brass etch you can do quite spectacular stuff too.

Plastic Aquarium plants and railroad modelling supplies (all kind of flowers) are good to source stuff like that too.

What were you thinking of, tree stumps and roots?

Basically that what I am looking for.  


I have some of these in the fantasy variety. I like those in particular because they have small animals on them and the I like the roots on them, casting quality is also pretty good. 

Those are extremely nice, but I can not find an american seller. Any solution for this?


Currently I need about 30 25mm(troops), 6 40mm(termi), and one 60mm(dread)


I wouldn't even mind some ruin bases like this pic



Thoughts?  Thanks for your time!

I'm in europe, so I didn't have that problem myself. If you already know what you are going to need for your entire army ordering in bulk might be worth the shipping costs and the wait anyway(Mind you, I have no clue about how this is handled by customs where you are though).
Dragonforge sells these Temple bases. If you glue some sand on here and there, paint it as earth and are generous with flock these should look pretty similar. Of course that would be little more work as well.
Recently saw a great thread about making trees that might have some useful stuff for making vines and roots, too. Would probably get away with some PVA soaked paper and threads to make them.
The cheapest optinon would be to just use plastic plants without the temple theme. Found this thread on Dakka while googling for something else. I think he did a pretty good job and it shows that you don't need excessively much stuff on each base to theme the bases as jungle. If a leaf looks to familiar you could cut it into a different shape or maybe even add a few splashes of paint to make some dots or lines one the leaves.
Would basically leave you with adding sand, flock and grass to your bases as normal and drilling a hole here and there to add a plastic plant.
If you want the temple theme as well, there are are some good DIY ways to do that too. You can for example make/cast your own tiles from card/milliput/plaster depending on the look you are after, the latter enabling you to crack and crumble them, while card is quick and easy (You can also buy them for 1/35 dioramas). Texture stamps or molds etc depending on how detailed you want to get with that. Here's an easy way to make your own texture stamps for something like the carved stones for example. You could just make one pattern and use that together with plain tiles to get a similar effect to the Dragonforge and Basicks bases.

In the end the question is do you want cheap bases and invest the time or do you think 3rd party bases are worth the money for the time you save.
For example I'm going to mix some of the ones I bought with ones I'm making myself as a compromise.



Wow, this turned into quite a rant.

Sorry for the wall of text, I recently just had to think about some of the same questions. And I tend to overthink things.




I actually haven't gotten much further than assembling some of the models I wanted to put on these bases yet. They have been sitting in a box for the last few months. Haven't had much time for a lot of hobby stuff lately.

As I said, I thought about it a lot... teehee.gif

I know what you mean, life sometimes get busy. After ETL 3 is done and my chaos forces are finished, I plan to start on a jungle display table(thinking 6 x 8 feet) with pre heresy death guard with admech allies, dinosaur, natives(thinking orgyns with tzeencth influence here), and some dark eldar playing hide and snipe. Probably will not start till next summer but I can"t stop making sketches of the idea :/


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