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Sell me on the Iron Warriors?

Plague Angel

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Siege of Castellax is awful. Really, really bad. I get the feeling the author isn't really that familiar with the 40k license, and even if he is, most of the characters are really one-dimensional. Storm of Iron is the prototypical McNeill book. Really well done battle scenes, not much of a plot, a single Unlikely Hero getting way more done than he should, and everyone but the main character dies (spoiler but not really, again it's a McNeill book). People just like it because the first half or so makes the IW seem really badass.

After reading Angel Exterminatus I decided to never ever read another McNeill book ever again. Although I really liked how Perturabo was (for the first time really) given some depth of character the whole thing with the Istvaan-Survivor Uber-Marines blowing up 3 dozen Land Raiders (and so on) was just terrible.

On a related note: Where has it been established that the Warriors practice decimation? I kind of missed that until now! (Judging from the thread it was established in SoC?)

Then again I'm kind of thankful that decimation is now apparently an IW thing if that means it won't make it into A-D-B's Black Legion. biggrin.png

From what I've read on the fourms, it new background from the third Horus Heresy book by Forge World - Extermination.



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Siege of Castellax is awful. Really, really bad. I get the feeling the author isn't really that familiar with the 40k license, and even if he is, most of the characters are really one-dimensional. Storm of Iron is the prototypical McNeill book. Really well done battle scenes, not much of a plot, a single Unlikely Hero getting way more done than he should, and everyone but the main character dies (spoiler but not really, again it's a McNeill book). People just like it because the first half or so makes the IW seem really badass.

After reading Angel Exterminatus I decided to never ever read another McNeill book ever again. Although I really liked how Perturabo was (for the first time really) given some depth of character the whole thing with the Istvaan-Survivor Uber-Marines blowing up 3 dozen Land Raiders (and so on) was just terrible.

On a related note: Where has it been established that the Warriors practice decimation? I kind of missed that until now! (Judging from the thread it was established in SoC?)

Then again I'm kind of thankful that decimation is now apparently an IW thing if that means it won't make it into A-D-B's Black Legion. biggrin.png

From what I've read on the fourms, it new background from the third Horus Heresy book by Forge World - Extermination.



Ah, silly me! Thanks for clearing that up!

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